Is This The Most Wildly Inaccurate Biopic Ever Made?! (The Jesse Ventura Story)
Remember when Jesse Ventura fought Goldberg in the 70s? How about when he was part of the Montreal Screwjob in LA? If not, you haven’t seen The Jesse Ventura Story!

Remember when Jesse Ventura fought Goldberg in the 70s? How about when he was part of the Montreal Screwjob in LA? If not, you haven’t seen The Jesse Ventura Story!
Our heroes uncover an alien conspiracy to take over the world. Mitch doesn’t care.
Our lifeguard pals must stop a deadly strain of cholera from poisoning the water supply. Also, exhibitionist rights.
The girls are confronted by the innocents they didn’t save. So, all of them. The promo pretends this is a comedy.
Today we begin a deep dive into the 2018 Charmed Reboot. True to Charmed of old, it’s a complete mess.
Today we look at the most baffling of comedies, The Master of Disguise. And maybe I recommend it??
Lazy Leo eats chips. There’s a plot about the seven deadly sins in this episode also.
Tiny Bangs Phoebe does Cole a big favor by telling him to move on and go to Hell, please. Bruce Campbell wonders why he’s here.