Sexism is Over (Battle of the Hexes) (Charmed Rewind)
Billie finds a superhero belt that puts her in a sexy costume, because sexism is over. Phoebe has dates, lots and lots of dates.

Billie finds a superhero belt that puts her in a sexy costume, because sexism is over. Phoebe has dates, lots and lots of dates.
Phoebe casts a smart spell on herself. She must rescue her sisters from a painting before she becomes stupid again.
Grandma Ghost is summoned to hate on men, and also annoy a necromancer who’s just minding his own business.
The Charmed Ones achieve world peace: by killing.
The Charmed Ones complain for 45 minutes while an Alice in Wonderland themed plot happens in the background.
You asked for it, so here it is. My reviews for all 8 seasons of the original Charmed, plus their two comic seasons. Enjoy!
Phoebe is haunted by her 1920s self, who looks like her present self, because past lives are just your relatives, and also Neighbor Dan is their great grandfather.
A creepy man with no game at all haunts Prue’s dreams. Meanwhile, Piper and Phoebe go on dates. Darryl will never doubt Andy again.
Chris is turned into Spider-man because of daddy issues. The Charmed Ones ignore this because of dates and work.