Baywatching: Livin’ on the Fault Line
An earthquake can’t stop our wave-ridin’ crew!

An earthquake can’t stop our wave-ridin’ crew!
Eyebrows is caught up in a diamond smuggling plot and Summer is jealous!
The lifeguards of Baywatch are suffering so many budget cuts they gotta resort to a clip show!
Baywatch goes country in this star-studded episode!
Baywatch has its own TV show and Garner has a lookalike named Sly Hutchinson.
Mitch becomes a murder suspect and fights a rogue government agent. Meanwhile, Eyebrows and Summer move into a houseboat.
Carrie-Anne Moss stops by as a pair of crazy twins vying for Mitch. Meanwhile, sharks equal relationships I guess.
Summer is possessed by a ghost! Meanwhile, CJ goes to Seaworld.
Lifeguard Old Man’s buddies show up for a reunion and old man fights ensue.
Hobie dreams of being in a band and I guess Eyebrows’s old motorcycle girlfriend is back.