Swamp Zombies
This very well might have been the editing inspiration for Birdemic. (May not contain a swamp.)
9th Doctor’s Regeneration in Seconds or Something
The 9th doctor has to go but at least it’ll be FANTASTIC!
Lockjaw Commentary
Phelan and Mathew make a bloody commentary on Lockjaw. (No pigsnakes were harmed during the commentary).
Drive Thru
A clown mascot from a fast food restaurant kills people because of stuff and things. Let’s call this evil Mac and Me.
Doctor Who – I Don’t Want to Go REALLY!?
A discussion and rant on how the transition from the 10th Doctor to the 11th was handled and how people have acted to it.
The Airzone Solution Commentary
Phelous and Linkara zone it up big time with The Airzone Solution commentary!
The Airzone Solution
Linkara and Phelous look at a movie that has a bunch of The Doctors from Doctor Who fighting an evil pollution company.