TMNT: Mutant Mayhem – Vlog
Our thoughts after seeing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Mutant Mayhem!

Our thoughts after seeing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Mutant Mayhem!
Phelan and I saw The Super Mario Bros Movie and here’s what we thought!
let’s try these halloween donuts
Gotta Vlog Fast! But it wasn’t really that fast. Uhh, Meow?
In case you didn’t hear enough opinions on Star Wars Rise of Skywalker here’s ours! The Sith is a lie.
Here’s what’s going down with Channel Awesome, why the Google Doc was made, and a little bit about what’s happened since.
Got some pretty interesting flavoured Kitkats to try out including one made with the new Ruby Chocolate!
There is much conflict in this movie and our opinions of it. It has some good, bad and scenes from Return of the Jedi.