White Fang (Goodtimes)
Goodtimes’s take on White Fang is faithful in some ways but really silly in a lot of others. Join us as we look at the wolf dog that tries to be nothing like his father.

Goodtimes’s take on White Fang is faithful in some ways but really silly in a lot of others. Join us as we look at the wolf dog that tries to be nothing like his father.
Bevanfield is up to their old tricks with a horrid telling of Aladdin. We got double genies and double villains but someone forgot to bring the excitement!
A weird DBZ set with figures that don’t really match each other, only 2 have articulation and some are coloured quite strangely.
Checking out a camp that’s falling apart and has a disgusting trailer but pretty good couch.
Jax loses his metal arms and and cries about it forever. Meanwhile a Reptile knock off kidnaps Sony and Sheeva shows up for reasons unknown.
BB-8 knows how to walk now, at least according to Star Trek. This “Walk Robot” does like to at least sort of move to some odd tunes.
A Christmas special so good it disappeared for years! With a voice cast that really shouldn’t be in a production that has had so little effort put into it’s animation. The Rapsittie Street Kids will show you the true nature of horrid 3D cartoons.
There is much conflict in this movie and our opinions of it. It has some good, bad and scenes from Return of the Jedi.
Taking a look at the rest of my Ghostbusters movie collection with all the regional variants and alternate releases.
The Little Angels would bring darkness to even the brightest Christmas. Unfortunately our heroes aren’t having anything close to that as they are living in a remote cabin and love to sled off cliffs. It’s another Goodtimes/Golden Films Christmas miracle!