Hostel Part III
Hostel 3 really changes up the Hostel plot and was a complete and wonderful surprise. Phelous loves it about as much as writing about himself in the 3rd person.

Hostel 3 really changes up the Hostel plot and was a complete and wonderful surprise. Phelous loves it about as much as writing about himself in the 3rd person.
Phelan and Allison do a video commentary the 3rd Phelous video with that dear sistery thing in it and stuff.
Phelan and Allison do a video commentary on the 1st episode of the Phelous… uhhh whatever show.
The Journey begins and ENDS here with Mortal Kombat: The awful animation begins!
What happens when you add Hot Chocolate to Anti Freeze? A new and improved snowman killer who’s only weakness is bananas.
Jack Frost’s parents named him in hopes he’d become a snowman one day. Unfortunately, he just became a lame jokster in a foam suit.
Yes there is a SATAN CLAUS! Maybe… if you can see him. Merry Christmas HAHAHAHA GET IT!? It’s a joke somehow.
Blood and poop in black and white… and that’s pretty much it.
The new origins of the Wrong Turners and guess what? It’s torture on screen and off!