Blair Witch (2016) Rant
Ok we’ve got like 10 cameras that can record forever and never run out of battery life, let’s go find the Blair Witch and be jokey about it! Or are we serious about it? Who knows, lets just make loud noises in the dark.

Ok we’ve got like 10 cameras that can record forever and never run out of battery life, let’s go find the Blair Witch and be jokey about it! Or are we serious about it? Who knows, lets just make loud noises in the dark.
Dingo Pictures bring us their horrid take on Pocahontas but more importantly this is Wabuu’s origin story!
Thomas the Tank Engine gets turned into a monster truck with RC control… sorta. It’s really interesting what they’ll turn Thomas into on these knock off toys!
Phelous goes over his Top 10 list of the silliest moments to come out of Transformers Generation 1!
We didn’t Breathe the whole time we watched this… actually we probably did since we aren’t dead, here’s what we thought.
An abandoned bus from the 60’s-70’s in the woods where someone had lived for a while.
Transformers G1 had a lot of hilariously silly moments and here is my list of the Top 20 of them!
Checked out the movie where a skin disease lets you go inside someone’s head and become a ghost that appears in the dark.
When Galaxy Warriors and Heroes get chopped in half and stuck onto a water gun you get Gun Man!
We happened across an abandoned house left full of goodies from the 60’s! It really was amazing how much stuff was just laying around in there!