Star Trek’s Most RACIST Episode (Code of Honor)
It’s incredible that this Next Gen episode was even made.

It’s incredible that this Next Gen episode was even made.
When an evil fear clown shows up on Voyager, he doesn’t know that he’s met something even more terrifying than he is: Captain Kathryn Janeway.
Remember that time the Enterprise crew battled against a bunch of…y’know?
Remember that time Kirk got body swapped because Starfleet wouldn’t let women be captains?
When Voyager’s terrible Irish holodeck program begins to suspect the crew is a bunch of a fairy folk, Janeway is willing to kill Harry and Tom to preserve it.
It’s hard to tell that the episode with a giant rabbit, samurais, tigers, and Kirk’s strange Irish bully was just written as they were filming. Uh, furry bikini babes?
The Rock simply had to guest star on Voyager and give Jeri Ryan the Rock Bottom, and that’s exactly what happened.
TNG decided to remake an episode of classic Star Trek, but make it the crappy version. Data and Yar do it.
Chakotay, am I right? Close your glimpses, for it’s Voyager’s most exciting character in the adventure of a lifetime.
The problem with the episode Tuvix is that it just makes us think too much. So what if they just pulled a Thomas Riker and made two of him? This is an argument I see a lot, for some reason.