Is This The Most Wildly Inaccurate Biopic Ever Made?! (The Jesse Ventura Story)
Remember when Jesse Ventura fought Goldberg in the 70s? How about when he was part of the Montreal Screwjob in LA? If not, you haven’t seen The Jesse Ventura Story!

Remember when Jesse Ventura fought Goldberg in the 70s? How about when he was part of the Montreal Screwjob in LA? If not, you haven’t seen The Jesse Ventura Story!
Today we look at the most baffling of comedies, The Master of Disguise. And maybe I recommend it??
Dogs can be pop stars and talk and also take over the North Pole, also Santa? The Air Bud Cinematic Universe is confusing.
Richie Rich makes a wish he was never born and his evil cousin makes the world a dystopia. Merry Christmas!
Join us as we take a look back at this spellbinding film!
Remember variety shows? What if they made one with monsters in 1980 for some reason?
Join us as we celebrate the 28th anniversary of Bushwhacked Fever! And who better to mark this joyous occasion than the film’s biggest fan, Mathew Buck?
If animals could talk, apparently they would have nothing worthwhile to say.
This is one of the most baffling movies we’ve ever seen.