Let’s Drink Old MtnDew Flavors
Phelous, Sad Panda and ChaosD1 drink MtnDew ;Distortion, Typhoon and White Out. With special guests Cherry 7-Up, Welshy and Brad Jones.
Phelous, Sad Panda and ChaosD1 drink MtnDew ;Distortion, Typhoon and White Out. With special guests Cherry 7-Up, Welshy and Brad Jones.
Watch some twits screw up while not having a clue in their heads what they are doing during filming La Horde review!
It’s total chapos when Phelous, Sad Panda, ChaosD1 and Welshy do a commentary on the LaHorde review.
Zombies… err rabid people attack an apartment building while a cameraman makes sure to get everyone’s death on tape.
Who would guess a movie about chain letters would be completely stupid and pointless!? WHAT A SHOCK!
Zombies attack the most forgetful people in the world. Also forget about the children too, they aren’t important.
It’s Night of the Living Dead with all the additions and changes it never needed!