Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (Ep10) Meet Dr. Quease
The dragons remember they exist and kidnap Donatello’s favorite crazy scientist, Dr. Quease. He has his brain connected to the internet… yes really.

The dragons remember they exist and kidnap Donatello’s favorite crazy scientist, Dr. Quease. He has his brain connected to the internet… yes really.
Some odd Pokémon TCG knock offs from Russia though originally made in Turkey. Much smaller than real Pokemon cards and now the game doesn’t really work. Also the energy cards have Mewtwo Strikes back screenshots.
Phelous is joined by Tabmok99 to review the animated version of Mortal Kombat 1’s story told more from Scorpion’s point of view. Also a lot of Johnny Cage’s!
Phelan and Allison take on some Japanese Kit-Kats again with grape, melon, 2 green tea variants, apple, strawberry and a type of ice cream flavour Kit-Kat you bake. Also Allison tries some old horrible flavours like red bean.
Michelangelo creates a pirate radio station out of the turtle humvee and Bonesteel takes over a pizzeria. Then, Mikey decides to throw an animal rights fundraiser and a Clockwork Orange rip off gang shows up.
Old Man enters the Dingo Cinematic Universe and has to deal with Wabuu and selling his daughter to The Beast!
What if Mulan was a caterpillar? Would it be a big secret that she’d turn into a butterfly? No. UAV you’ve done it again! Mulan is bugging out!
Gary Chalk shows up as a Gorilla who runs a gang so Michelangelo decides to take his stupidity to new heights and wants to burn down the turtle’s lair.
Taking a look at the BetaCam format and the difference between it and BetaMax. Also the betacam machine and how often it likes to mess up!
Bonesteel makes his horrid debut trying to catch a real turtle while the Ninja Turtles take it back from him repeatedly. It gets dumb… very dumb.