Kyna, Zak and I share our thoughts on the excellent horror comedy, Get Out!
Zak, Tomas and I see the misery of RINGS to copy and paste it for you! Just remember before you die you see the .MOV! Also The 1st rule of Ring Club, you have 7 days to not talk about Ring Club!
We get a NEW explanation for why the T-Virus was created and a NEW reason for why Alice is the best person to ever exist. But we completely forgot the continuity AGAIN! Is this REALLY the Final Chapter? We can only hope.
We discus the prequel that actually feels like a Star Wars prequel: Rogue One! If you don’t want spoilers run away.
Ok we’ve got like 10 cameras that can record forever and never run out of battery life, let’s go find the Blair Witch and be jokey about it! Or are we serious about it? Who knows, lets just make loud noises in the dark.
We didn’t Breathe the whole time we watched this… actually we probably did since we aren’t dead, here’s what we thought.
Checked out the movie where a skin disease lets you go inside someone’s head and become a ghost that appears in the dark.
A summary about our recent trip to London and an update on upcoming vids!