Flowers for Phoebenon (The Painted World) (Charmed Rewind)
Phoebe casts a smart spell on herself. She must rescue her sisters from a painting before she becomes stupid again.

Phoebe casts a smart spell on herself. She must rescue her sisters from a painting before she becomes stupid again.
You asked for it, so here it is. My reviews for all 8 seasons of the original Charmed, plus their two comic seasons. Enjoy!
Phoebe is haunted by her 1920s self, who looks like her present self, because past lives are just your relatives, and also Neighbor Dan is their great grandfather.
A creepy man with no game at all haunts Prue’s dreams. Meanwhile, Piper and Phoebe go on dates. Darryl will never doubt Andy again.
Today we begin a deep dive into the 2018 Charmed Reboot. True to Charmed of old, it’s a complete mess.
Lazy Leo eats chips. There’s a plot about the seven deadly sins in this episode also.
Phoebe’s dream man steps out of a 50s monster movie. The audience is left to wonder what the Demon of Illusion meant when he said “and then there were two.”
Prue and Cole go back to the old west to hate flirt and maybe save Phoebe if there’s time.
David Carradine shows up with stupid hair to trap the girls within a time loop. Hilarious death ensues. Also Andy I guess.
Piper is put into a coma by some fruit, so Prue and Phoebe animate a ninja toy and it goes around killing people. Neighbor Dan fetches the sodas.