I Reviewed ALL of Baywatch Season 5 (everyone gets Emmy Cancer) • Marathon
Baywatch introduced the audience to a multitude of maladies in season five in the hopes of getting that sweet, sweet Emmy nom (they did not receive one).

Baywatch introduced the audience to a multitude of maladies in season five in the hopes of getting that sweet, sweet Emmy nom (they did not receive one).
Season four features possession, a surfboard stealing giant octopus, and Kelly Slater desperately wanting out of his contract.
Season three of Baywatch brought us Pamela Anderson playing a saxophone.
Baywatch went into syndication starting in season 2, doing away with things like “writing” or “second takes.”
Baywatch tried to be a real show in season 1, and even then things went off the rails quick. Please note this is an older compilation, beginning from around 2014. The technical quality is not quite up to my current standards, but I hope you enjoy the crazy ride!
You asked for it, so here it is. My reviews for all 8 seasons of the original Charmed, plus their two comic seasons. Enjoy!