Silent Hill 2 Remake
How did the remake of Silent Hill fare? Get ready this is a long one!

How did the remake of Silent Hill fare? Get ready this is a long one!
A zombie lawyer who might want his girlfriend’s clone daughter but he’s forgotten the plot so he just watches TV.
The Quarry is really fun to go through but feels like it’s a bit lacking in some areas.
Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers need to get that bum Leon to help them take out a NEW Wesker!
The best version of the Addams Family?
Tom Hanks’ first movie and it’s about a guy who REALLY hates weddings.
The “comedy” movie which turns into a slasher by the end with Tom Arnold trying to get Rick Moranis.
It shouldn’t be this hard to adapt Resident Evil!
Resident Evil is finally Alice free but now we are cramming two stories into one movie and being weirdly accurate about small things and not so much on larger points.
Time to talk about the scary Bye Bye Man and all his unexplored and unexplained mythos. Nobody is ready for Mr. Bye Bye! Also I’m dressed like Mankind. Happy Halloween!