Bootleg Zones: Super Heroes Set
One of the silly Super Hero sets from China containing SuperMan, Spider-Man,Batman and 3 Power Rangers. Get your back screws and chest lights ready!

One of the silly Super Hero sets from China containing SuperMan, Spider-Man,Batman and 3 Power Rangers. Get your back screws and chest lights ready!
The Disney Princess have an accident in time and end up as little kid knock off versions of themselves.
The comic relief ghosts reveal they are actually the Beast’s victims forced to roam the Earth until they get him laid.
The 2nd Beauty and the Beast by Golden Films doesn’t waste as much time on the father. It wastes it on 3 ghosts that fly into the storybook.
These are the TUBTLES, be amazed at the animals stuck on their chests, giant translucent heads and flashing lights!
The Fearful Beasts from the Planet Ferror gave the Galaxy Warriors something to ride and like everything in this series opened up more questions. This also leads to the 2 outcast figures from Swords & Sorcerers.
How does The Grudge hold up to the originals Ju-On: The Grudge and a dab of Ju-On: The Curse?
The 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the best adaptation I’ve ever seen… today… because I didn’t watch Next Mutation today.
Ok THAT might be an exaggeration.
Galaxy Warriors definitely copy ideas from the Masters of the universe but Sungold’s muscle men are a bit more than just a MOTU knock off. They have also spawned endless bootlegs and KOs of themselves.
Character models ripped off from the Lion King must be sort of animated to find diamonds. Make sure to find out all the shocking twists in this part like fathers are your father.