Bootleg Zones: Star Wars Episode VII Black Series
Bootlegs of the highly detailed and articulated Star Wars Black Series figures which have Episode 7 slapped on them to cash in on The Force Awakens.
Bootlegs of the highly detailed and articulated Star Wars Black Series figures which have Episode 7 slapped on them to cash in on The Force Awakens.
It’s the best Iron Man ever, in fact he’s iRon Man! The iPhoned up version of Iron Man!
Mr. DNA really screwed up this time and brought us a couple Jurassic World knock offs of a Raptor and T-Rex!
A knock off of Darth Vader that comes in black or white and under many many names.
For the 50th Bootleg Zones lets return to the Turtles Fighters but ones with a different mold, stranger heads and colours!
The next drop in the Galaxy hole is a big one. The Galaxy Heroes are really poor copies of the Galaxy Warriors and Fighters with a few new characters and redesigns.
The 1st Star Wars bootlegs on the zones which can slip off their Darth Vader and Stormtooper outfits to look like Robocop knock offs instead.
These Pokemon cards have decided to raise the hit points… JUST A LITTLE!
A bootleg set of Pokemon cards sort of from Call of Legends which also comes with a coin and playmat all inside a tin lunchbox!
Maybe the most ridiculously named knock off toy I’ve seen…