A My Little Pony knock off that didn’t think too far outside the box. It does at least teach us that horses love hair extensions though.

A My Little Pony knock off that didn’t think too far outside the box. It does at least teach us that horses love hair extensions though.
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It’s like the heads and bodies are from two different size versions.
I literally had nothing better to do at the moment, so I looked it up. It appears to be some kind of G3 head on a G3 Ponyville body. Either the hooves were carved in or added to the bottom of the mould to make the legs longer….Bedtime now….
Aaaaah. Pony fakies. Now you’re in MY neck of the woods, Phelous.
If you want material, I “highly” recommend the “Demon Donkey” (Yes. That’s really its name)
The pony affectionately known among collectors as “Princess Rinse and Spit”
And…. ….whatever the living hell this is.
Also, unfortunately Phelous, this would not cut it among pony collectors as a replacement 😉 The G1 crowd is VERY particular over which fakies we place value on (see above princess Rinse and Spit) or the fabled Takara fakie babies which can go for hundreds of thousands of dollars despite being knock-offs. The one you featured here is just too far off to be something to have in a collection but too generic to really be of any worth 🙂
This is not even going into “Nirvana” ponies which is a whole different textbook-length explanation over why licensed knock-offs exist and are worth thousands of dollars because they used cheaper plastic and hair.
The new show and toy line may make for an easy target (because… well…. you know….) but the land of the old school 80s collectors is one of people who have law-degree levels of knowledge around the plastic horses and their erm…. chinese brethren. Beware if you decide to tread further into this hellscape, Phelous.
…Picture Galaxy Warriors…. but for girls. That’s basically the territory you’re treading on 😉
“Fun lovely Neddy”
The substitution of “neddy” for “pony” is alarmingly common in bootlegs and I’m desperate to know where the hell it came from.
While on the subject of fakies, I think REMCO ponies are my favorite knockoffs. They have their own cute take on fat magic vinyl horses. Think one showed up in the background of Bootleg Zones before, actually (Rock’n’ Dancer, maybe?).
As usual, the blame rests fully on our good friend the thesaurus. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/english/neddy?q=Neddy
Well shucks; this is what I get for thinking reading is the work of witches and sorcerers.
While we’re talking about me being an idiot I initially hit “report” on your comment instead of “reply”; I should really go back to bed.WHAT AM I DOING?? I forgot the BEST fakies of all time!!
These are from Australia, just fyi. I think you’ll agree that these are perfect copies you could never tell the difference from real ponies.
Gotta love how the helmets look like vending machine trinket containers.
God I hate MLP, I can’t fucking stand it! I really want the Galaxy Warriors back to take away the foul cancer that is ponies!
Wow, you seem upset man. Perhaps you should take a chill pill.
Now I wish we have more pony videos just to spite you.
And that was obviously Pretty Pony not My Little Pony. You are obviously blinded by rage.
Maybe it’s a little too obvious of a joke, but I was really hoping the end skit would be a Godfather parody. Specifically, Steffi sticking Pretty Pony’s head in Bat Hero’s bed and him shrieking at the discovery.
5/10 for packaging? A little high, don’tcha think?
Pssst… the hair extension was for you to wear!
Phelous needs to rectify this like immediately!!
maybe it’s just the my little pony version of hair plugs.
I fail to see why this is a problem. Phelous + MLP hairplugs right now please.
I bet one of those plugs takes you to the Matrix.
I love when the sketches at the end get dark.
Great video as always, Phelous.
i may like the ponies but even i hate the bootleg shit ponies
maybe it’s about time someone makes a bootleg and/or custom made figure of Motaro. sure ponies tend to get the most attention, but what about centaurs folks? one would think that centaurs would be cooler and more popular than a bunch of ponies, I dunno. either way, just a thought.
In the 80s there was actually a toy line of “fantasy creature” type dolls for girls which included both a centaur and a centaur but with a deer body instead of a horse. Apart from the Monster High dolls I can’t think of any other centaur dolls. I have no idea why because yes. This idea is just ripe for toys. And yes, you could do dolls for girls and Motaro type toys for boys. Why is this not a thing???
I know, right? in fact, how come these toy companies who keep making action figures based on Mortal Kombat characters still haven’t released 8 inch or taller action figure of Kintaro, Classic Kabal, Rain, Ermac, or even the 3 cyborgs of Cyrax, Sektor, & Smoke? I’ve been waiting a very long time for an 8 inch action figure based on Cyber Smoke. in fact, why don’t they just make Mortal Kombat action figures based on the 2 movies & tv show? who wouldn’t want an action figure of Siro? I can see it now: “Siro: The Greatest Mortal Kombat Action Figure!!!”
Let me know if you find them. There really seems to be a lack of centaur figures.
sure. the only centaur figures I can think of off the top of my head are either from The Chronicles Of Narnia or those from Papo (which btw has even better Jurassic Park based dinosaur figures than Hasbro), but I’m sure they’re out there somewhere in the depth of cyberspace. if I’m able to track down a watchable version of Star Wars Trilogy Despecialized Edition (which I’m going to burn on dvd & watch this weekend), then I’m sure I can find some centaur figures. I’m going to try ebay, actiontoys, cmdstore, toywiz, and a few other sources and see what I can find. ^-^
Yay, more Bootleg zones!
Jeez, this thing was a poorly put together piece of crap. I’m glad the only Non-official MLP thing I have is a custom made by a friend.
I think it would be even more hilarious if someone made bootleg MLP toys based on the Apocalypse Ponies from Robot Chicken.
There’s a custom for everything!
that’s actually pretty cool. when it comes to buying custom made figures and/or toys, I’m no stranger to it. I think it’s kind of fun to get custom toys made based on certain things that most toy companies refuses to make. it’s a rather expensive hobby for some, but it’s still a neat idea.
(apparently I’m replying to all your comments today ^^; )
I get squicky when I see someone has used an 80s MLP for their base when making a custom but that’s just the collector in me. The amount of awesome some people put in their custom toys is SO GOOD it hurts me they aren’t actual real toys I could buy for myself in a store.
I know. I think custom toy makers should be just as numerous and wide spread as cosplay. sometimes, custom made toys can be better than the real product. there are still far too many franchises, characters, vehicles, accessories, and etc, that has yet to be made into toys in some way shape or form. this is why we don’t see Hasbro sized vehicles of the Arwing from Star Fox series, action figures and/or statues of the Cyberdemon from Doom, cosplay accessories of Fulgore from Killer Instinct, vehicles from Star Wars such as the V-Wing Airspeeder, Virago, or even the Tie Defender, SH Monsterarts toys based on Mothra Leo, or even a D-Arts figure of Mewtwo with removable armor from the 1st movie.
I knew that it was coming…but I still lost my shit laughing when you started brushing the decapitated pony head.
::Looks on the net:: The closest IO can find to ac creative knockoff is one that converted the pony into a moose. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/519813981965758350/ There’s also that horrifying 9ft tall anthropomorphic pony inflatable doll in lingerie….
Hooves, huh? Looks more like a case of Amniotic Band Constriction. You probably don’t want to look that up.
The muzzle almost looks like a beak.
The muzzle looks more like a beak.
This episode…. Meh… there wasnt much to it… it wasnt like filly witchy.
I wonder if it was a Patreon petition of some body which just wanted phelous to talk about ponies…
And for “the hooves are not painted”… not even Hasbro add paint detail to their little ponies, so why the knock off should?
oh well. maybe Phelous will eventually do a Bootleg Zones video I requested a while back based on Bootleg Tomy figures of Mewtwo in armor. which are actually pretty cool toys, but they haven’t been seen on ebay as much as they used to. I’m surprised that none of these major toy companies has yet to make an official Armored Mewtwo action figure especially if D-Arts made one as an exclusive re-release or as a separate accessory set where the armor could be removed. beyond ebay, they’re getting harder to find online on other websites. in either case, if Phelous did do that review, I wouldn’t mind if he waited until 2016 to do it. maybe further down the line he can add some polls for future Bootleg Zone reviews where the more popular vote gets made into an episode.
“you say this armor protects my body, yet it suppresses my powers.”
“your powers are not being suppressed, they’re being focused. learn to use them to accomplish your purpose.”
“what is that?”
“patience my friend, your purpose will become clear.”
I don’t think the doll gave him much to work with, though.
Not every single one of these needs to go overly long. I said what I felt was necessary about it.
Aww, but it’s fun when they’re like half an hour long. XD
I just though you would be interested on making videos of more interested bootlegs.
but apparently you can just have a simple, not really that unique bootleg
and that is fine.
oh no he didn’t. phelous is such a master troll OLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!
(rly dude?)
Wonder if you’ll ever cover Paula Dolls in the future? They were a popular Kelly knockoff. I swear I was OBSESSED with them when I was a kid to the point where I got one every christmas and whenever I went to the dollar store. I had more Paula Dolls than actual Kelly dolls! They eventually became pretty rare (at the time I was only about to find 1 listing with a lot for $1000) but they seem to have resurfaced online on eBay for only a few dollars each. And if you get your hands on one of the original ones you can really see that they were almost impossible to tell apart from a legit Kelly doll. In fact, I probably couldn’t tell you which out of the ones I have are Kellys and Paulas. The listings on eBay go as far as to actually claim that they are legit Barbie products.
You know, over-acting as you review buggers do makes you look like a (aussie accent) cant.
Talk like you normally do, dip.
Just remove “my” and you’ve got yourself a orginal I.P
Maybe a replacement for the actual target audience of the show.
Like some else said hair Collectors are pretty particular of which bootlegs they care about and fans of G4…. well the mostly care about G4 and Pretty Pony doesn’t look G4.
But seriously Phelous I can’t wait for you to delve into the weirder pony bootlegs. Like Jabrony: magic Hero Pony!
These kinds of toys are always annoying to me. They’re so damn cheap and lazy… and yet, they’re also practically no different from the cheap laziness of the official girl’s toys that’ve been made exactly the same for decades.
I feel sorry for girls who prefer stuff like Transformers or GI Joe, but are stuck with these crappy figures that they don’t want which are just plain shit. Thankfully that’s being phased out, but man are these lame… HAH, “lame,” I made an accidentally made a horse pun.