This is the New Nightmare not even Freddy Krueger was quite ready to deal with, Nightmare Feddy! Yes… Feddy. You’d better get your nightmare loafers for this one.

This is the New Nightmare not even Freddy Krueger was quite ready to deal with, Nightmare Feddy! Yes… Feddy. You’d better get your nightmare loafers for this one.
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That hat looks like it’s been through an action movie.
Feddy: Federal Nightmare Police!
Heh, great Bootleg Zones as usual 😀
Such a shame that leg was so darn brittle though… otherwise, this’d be a pretty solid figure.
Who’s the bigger loser? Baltard or Eddie? And 1’st! Woo! XD
Sigh. Not First. Nevermind. :-S
Have you ever noticed that Eddie & Baltard are never in the same place at the same time?
C’mon man, NOBODY takes the title of number-one loser from Baltard XD
to be honest, I’ve seen far too many Freddy Krueger figures that are far superior in quality than the Bootleg version, and I’ve seen plenty of Freddy dolls that are much older that have better joints as well. McFarlane, Neca, Mezco, even Sideshow Toys has been making Freddy toys for years, so seeing this Feddy toy doesn’t exactly impress me all that much. I think it would of been even more unusual & interesting if the Freddy knock off either had different colored patterns on his sweater instead of red & green, or if he was molded after his New Nightmare look. still, it looks rather cool for die hard fans to collect.
on a side note, I’m surprised that you didn’t attempt to do a review of a Michael Myers knock off since it is the week of Halloween. although, it may be an even harder knock off/bootleg toy to find I suppose.
Nightmare Feddy is a classic of knock-off culture – but he’s still not as cool as Sharp Hand Joe from Sungold.
Great Bootleg Zones, as always. And the bit at the end was better than any real episode of Baywatch, so I salute you!
Now, THIS is the best ending skit. Not only does give a nod to Baywatch(ing), it also goes deep into Inception territory.
Those loafers sure look comfy, Feddy.The complete the dream-theme. I mean, you wake up in the morning at put on loafers, and Feddy kills you in your dreams, so he should be wearing loafers as being the symbol of the end of dreams! It’s brilliant! It’s symbolism! Somebody call Film Brain!
So this is the guy that has been bothering Linkara lately…
Best episode of Baywatch yet. After everything Eddie has been through, I doubt that even Nightmare Feddie would even touch just cause Eddie sucks so much.
Although it could be fun to see Nightmare Feddie team up with Bat Hero and Robert Cop, and thus become an incredibly lame and stupid hero group.
Can you spare about three-feddy?
The nightmare becomes reality!
He was never a Fred but a Fed.
The sweater looks surprisingly high quality for a bootleg.
Short flared women’s trousers, women’s penny loafers, pinch waisted sweater…I don’t believe he’s raided anyone’s nightmares, but I do think he may have raided Stephie Love’s winter wardrobe.
Oh man, he looks hilarious shirtless.
I never knew his glove has paw pads on it.
“I’M your girlfriend NOW, Eddie!” ::lolsnort::
feddy cent has a face only a mother could love
I wonder if he has any relation to Fetty Wap. Hurr hurr hurr. Probably would make a better rapper, in any case.
I liked that reference to Allison’s series, especially with how Eddie is portrayed as a huge weenie.
Wow that hat looks bad. At least you got some use out of it with your little skit.
Slicing his victims into confeddy.
He slices his victims into confeddy.
Mom’s Confeddy.
That was one of the best end skits yet XD Great timing, too, just got done watching through all of Allison’s Baywatch vids so far.
I think i will stick to my Ultimate Freddy Neca… even if isnt as big.
Hey Phelous,
(funny review) and also, have you ever considered tracking down any bootlegs of the real ghostbusters toys?
I’m not sure bootlegs could top the hilarity of the officially licensed ones. Take a loot at this!
Why didn’t you mention that they completely screwed up the blade positioning on his glove? They come out of the knuckles like Wolverine’s instead of the fingertips. It’s hard to tell on the toy, but it’s really clear on the artwork.
The Freddy-Feddy-Eddy transition was great BTW. Hope that wasn’t an empty promise and we see some more Nightmare Eddy when Lupa starts reviewing Baywatch Nights.
I love how suitably ashamed Feddy looks. It’s as though he’s pleading with us to drop the subject of the cheap-ass hat.
Nightmare Feddy sure gives Sharp Hand Je a run for his money.
Feddy, Feddy, brother of the Freddy….
Feddy, Feddy, brother of the Freddy….
Feddy, Feddy! Half-brother of the Teddy!
You know, even though I knew it was Bootleg Zones when I first saw that tag photo I really thought it was going to be that official toy where they accidentally switched the voice box with Pee-wee Herman’s. Seriously though you really should cover that awesome mishap in another video if you can ever get your hands on it!
Even though I knew it was Bootleg Zones, when I saw that tag photo I really thought it was that official toy where they accidentally switched his voice box with the Pee-wee Herman toy. Seriously though, you should really cover that in another video if you ever get your hands on it!