Mexican Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that are extremely lazily slapped together and stole another bootleg’s name and packaging.

Mexican Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that are extremely lazily slapped together and stole another bootleg’s name and packaging.
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How much longer will it take for Phelous to find bootleg Turtles or other figures that will disintegrate as soon as he opens up the package. These current turtles are rather close and makes you wonder how much further down hill the quality will go.
I do have some other Mexican bootlegs that beat these, they’re coming…
But will they survive the review?
Will WE survive the review? The thought of toys that are worse sounds scary… X(
Oh jeez, could the bootleggers actually get much lazier than these? Plastic runoff is one thing, but this is ludicrous!
BTW, I thought the next bootleg you covered might be the one you featured on Until Dawn, that looked awesome with its giant sword and semi-unique looking body, especially for a TMNT bootleg
They’re probably the sloppiest ones I’ve seen.
well naturally it’s hard to judge quality just from pictures but if you put these next to the turtles fighters i’d still say these look better. (but maybe it’s just the horrible teeth paint job of the turtles fighters i can’t get over)
The turtles fighters paint jobs might have been odder in cases like the teeth but these are way worse figures because of the make.
Speaking of where on the internet can we buy these? Their weapons would be better off with the Turtles Fighters.
Man, these things only serve to really make you love the original Playmates all the more. I got in a Samurai Raph in the mail today and you just end up admiring the glory of the good paint and mold so much stronger when you look at these cheaply made piles of slop.
I’m also guessing Mexican stores must have some time trying to keep these things theft-proof is this is the level of packaging quality they utilize.
damn. I think this might be the first time I’ve seen a Bootleg Zones episode where the majority score is either 0/10 or 1/10 (at least as far as I know since that requires re-watchig your older reviews again). I guess we have yet to see a bootleg TMNT figure from Mexico that’s at least in better quality. who was in charge of making & molding these toys? Clayface?
A bootleg within the heart of that same bootleg?
I have my fingers crossed for “Adolescent Radioactive Samurai Iguanas.”
or how about Sexy Atomic French Maid Squirrels? or how about The Hills Have Mutants?
“heroes with a half brain! cannibalism!”
hell, I think it would be hilarious & funny (especially for Mortal Kombat fans) if there was a mechanical bootleg/knock off toy based on Motaro who dances around the table w/ music by putting a quarter up his ass.
“hey mommy, it’s a horsey! where do you put the quarter?”
“get off me kid, I’m not a f***ing ride!”
do you mean Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters?^^
whose the villain? The Slicer and his 2 minions BeeBoBoBopBooBooBop & PassingStone?
I think the Biker Mice From Mars would not approve.
also, I’m surprised that Phelous has yet to talk about Bootleg toys based on the other TMNT related group from the 90’s: the Street Sharks. I think that would be Jawsome. ^-^
also, I’m surprised that Phelous has yet to review bootleg toys based on the 2nd most popular TMNT related group behind the Battletoads: Street Sharks. I think a Bootleg Zones episode featuring Street Sharks bootleg toys would be Jawsome. ^-^
Oh yeah, I remember the Street Sharks. Had some of the figures and the van/truck.
Funny thing: Here in Denmark they were marketed “As seen on TV” though as far as I know the cartoon never aired here. Still, we didn’t give a crap. The toys were awesome regardless. 🙂
they sure were. I believe the only other animal team they tried to push onto the market in competition w/ TMNT was Extreme Dinosaurs. here’s something else about 90’s toys that always puzzled me even as a kid. back then, they always had toys for both girls & boys where some of them were rather similar. Mighty Max = Polly Pocket, Creepy Crawlers = Easy Bake Oven & so on. but the one that puzzled me the most which just came across as the same exact item was both Dragon Flyz & Sky Dancers. it’s literally the same toys w/ different designs.
A little off topic, but all of these TMNT figures and your recent – and awesome – reviews of the Ghostbusters makes me think of cartoons I would like to see you review and…..Would ever consider reviewing Dan vs. ? I saw that one of your older videos title cards had you modeled after Dan, lol. So I wonder if we will ever get a review about that show? I would love to see that, personally.
What title card are you talking about? I’ve never seen that show.
Aw, damn, I remembered wrong (last time I watched the video, it was when you were still on TGWTG…….and it was still TGWTG). It wasn’t you dressed like that. It was the other guy dressed like that in the title card for your Hostel 3 review. He is dressed exactly like Dan from Dan vs…..In, fact, lol, he even kind of looks like Dan, upon seeing the card again.
I think you should watch it. It is hilarious. It was initially conceived as a hard R sitcom for HBO, then somehow became a cartoon that aired after my little pony (lol). But you could tell that the people writing it were doing it right. They were writing what they thought was funny as opposed to what they thought kids would think is funny (they even managed to slip in a swear word once or twice, lol). I don’t mean to seem presumptuous – forgive me if I am – but I think you find it hilarious.
Here is the plot synopsis from wikipedia if you are curious. If you are interested, you can find the entire series on Hulu.
“The show is about Dan, a jobless misanthrope with a soft spot for animals, caught in odd misfortunes and being unable to correctly provide income for himself. Being in a jobless state constantly, Dan becomes pushed by various foes and inconsiderate persons of society causing him to become angry, rude, crude, and vengeful upon things that make society worse and even more difficult to live in (whoever has wronged him). Accompanying him is his better-off friend Chris, a big softy, who lives in comfortable social class with a house and steady income to even contently pay for the little or big expenses that Dan needs. His dull day-jobs and stressful work causes him to not be able to help but go along with Dan’s wild plots or to get even despite how ridiculous they may seem, tempered, or out-of-line they get. Even when Dan gets on his last nerves he can’t but help not abandoning him, “knowing there is something worth saving in him” [Dan vs *Dan Impostor episode]. Both their friendship stemming from a bad experience from summer camp through High School these two, along with Elise, to go after the things that make society even more unbearable than it already is. The third regular character is Elise, Chris’s wife, who objects to Chris’s participation in Dan’s revenge quests, but, on occasion joins in due to some of Dan’s plots sharing similarities with her childhood annoyances. Due to her being busy with her secret operative work for the government, Elise’s character enables advanced help upon some of Dan’s revenge missions due to her skills and most of her missions act as a subplot in the show. The show is set primarily in the Los Angeles, CA, area, and background scenes often show notable landmarks in and around Los Angeles.”
I guess it was only a matter of time before you found a bootleg of a bootleg. And, it’s quality reflects it!
Great episode, Phelous! 🙂
I’m still waiting for some Las Tortugas Pinjas action figures.
I think Phelous might have to black-box those ones.
These are the 2ed cheapest ninja turtles bootlegs I’ve ever seen. The absolute winner was Canadian Paratroopers.
The quality of a bootleg or a bootleg has it’s own little message about inbreeding.
I love how they seem to be the same shade of blue as the comment section.
Humpscreen has the most epic Leno jaw.
Who would have thought you could find ones cheaper than the Satanic Turtles, but it happened. Even China is looking at Mexico and saying “daaammnn…you cheap, son”.
I agree with one of the above commentors. We need to see some Los Tortugas Pinjas figures on here. However, only if you can feature Brad Jones in the episode. Otherwise it’s just not worth it.
I’m sure those figures gave your vacuum cleaner a good workout, having to clean up all the paint chips everywhere.
Woooooooow, these guys make the Turtles Fighters look good. Speaking of you can at least use their weapons for them and your other knock off Turtles. They’re still better than the name they knocked off but only just. At least they didn’t fall apart like the Nickelodeon bootleg turtles.
Mexican adults cross the border to get away from a shitty country. Mexican children cross the border for better toys.
Can you blame them?
Haha, nice touch with Old Man riding in the police car at the end 😀