The Roller Samurai Vampire Slayers
They’re The Roller Samurai Vampire Slayers. They slay vampires, that’s what they do. (This is a Zen film Parody so it’s amazing ART).

They’re The Roller Samurai Vampire Slayers. They slay vampires, that’s what they do. (This is a Zen film Parody so it’s amazing ART).
Your Mortal Kombat review is MINE! I go over the positives and negatives of the original Mortal Kombat film.
To review both the remake and original will take 2 reviewers. Not really but it’s a crossover anyway with Obscurus Lupa!
Allison & Phelan try some good things like japanese KitKats and Pitch Black but then oyster omelet chips. Then they create hate soda.
Obscurus Lupa & Phelous take a look at Birdemic creator, James Nguyen’s 1st movie about perfect virtual realities and internet ghosts.
Doug and Phelan discuss how they plan to make a new series called Doug and the Pencil Sharpener while their crossover plays in the background.