Ghostbusters (2016) Rant
We came, we saw, we talked about what we thought of the new Ghostbusters movie.

We came, we saw, we talked about what we thought of the new Ghostbusters movie.
Jeremy and I give our thoughts on on the follow up to that movie that barely starred the turtles. This one might fare a bit better but still has a lot of issues.
Someone asked, so here’s a look at the pop culture stuff around my apartment!
Joel and I give our thoughts on Star Wars: The Force Wakes Up Slightly but then Falls Back Asleep.
A miserable movie of jackasses having a skype chat and browsing the internet with LOUD NOISES!
Also hamburger gum and cookie dough Oreos!
The 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the best adaptation I’ve ever seen… today… because I didn’t watch Next Mutation today.
Ok THAT might be an exaggeration.