Super Mario Bros on Skateboards (Korean)
Mario and Green Mario get themselves some Skateboards finally!
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire: Is it Good?
The new Ghostbusters blends the original and new teams and lightens up a bit compared to Afterlife.
Snow White’s Unofficial Sequel
Filmation decided to make Snow White 2 since Disney didn’t. However, Happily Ever After was Filmation’s last movie which came out after the company had been shut down.
Pinocchio’s Unofficial Sequel
Disney wasn’t making their own Pinocchio’s sequel so Filmation made Pinocchio 2 for them: Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night!
TMNT 2003 Oversized Set
What if the turtles were larger and all thought they were Leonardo?
The Quarry
The Quarry is really fun to go through but feels like it’s a bit lacking in some areas.