The next level of internet horror features ghosts haunting you on Facebook and Skype! Will the screen share from the annoying characters drive you to log out!?

The next level of internet horror features ghosts haunting you on Facebook and Skype! Will the screen share from the annoying characters drive you to log out!?
Johnny Cage faces off against Baraka, while Liu Kang has his first match in the tournament against Mileena and Sub-Zero finally has a showdown VS Scorpion.
Down we go back down the Goodtimes rabbit hole with their take on Alice in Wonderland! It’s Fall and they’ve got a lot of fountains…
Rayden decides to send Sub-Zero back in time to try and stop Shang Tsung before he ever started but isn’t very good at sending him anywhere even remotely useful.
I got some bootleg Lego men from Chinatown. Most interestingly Super Mario Lego which isn’t a real thing. Also Batman and Skeleton join the fun!
Rayden informs Sub-Zero and Smoke of the DC Realm invasion. Sub-Zero decides to take on Batman while Smoke has to deal with Alfred. (Originally shot the day after MK vs DC’s announcement)
A My Little Pony knock off that didn’t think too far outside the box. It does at least teach us that horses love hair extensions though.
Sub-Zero has no Christmas spirit and it’s up to Johnny Cage, Rayden and Liu Kang to make sure he finds it. Will Sub-Zero’s heart thaw? Will that kill him? Happy Holidayality!
Optimus Prime has decided to plug knock off Star Wars lightsabers for Big Lots!
Sub-Zero and Johnny Cage have a break from the tournament and decided to recall memories of things they weren’t there for or a past that makes very little sense.