Beast Wars Series Review
Looking at the series that helped revitalize the Transformers franchise, was an early CG cartoon and really did some great character work: Beast Wars!

Looking at the series that helped revitalize the Transformers franchise, was an early CG cartoon and really did some great character work: Beast Wars!
Transformers Dark of the Moon bootlegs have been transformed into Taikongzhans Kudea! Also they’re all named Dong Man!
My top 10 funniest moments from Transformers Headmasters with it’s hilariously bad English dub! Watch out for Unicorn!
I give my thoughts on the Japanese continuation of Transformers and start to go over its funniest moments. Especially because of the ridiculously awful English dub the series received.
Darth Vader and his friends, Darth Maul, Stromtrooper and C3PO have decided to become Transformers so that they can become the greatest Pokemon Tie Fighter Masters ever!
Phelous goes over his Top 10 list of the silliest moments to come out of Transformers Generation 1!
Transformers G1 had a lot of hilariously silly moments and here is my list of the Top 20 of them!
That’s not a question… Special Thanks to Steve Yurko
I take a look at the entire Transformers Generation 1 cartoon series, Seasons 1 to 4, and the changes that the movie brought.
The first Starscream bootleg on the show and it’s a toy ripping off the Robot Masters figure line.