Transformers G1 (Series Review)
I take a look at the entire Transformers Generation 1 cartoon series, Seasons 1 to 4, and the changes that the movie brought.

I take a look at the entire Transformers Generation 1 cartoon series, Seasons 1 to 4, and the changes that the movie brought.
The first Starscream bootleg on the show and it’s a toy ripping off the Robot Masters figure line.
A pack with the original seeker trio: Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp. This is the 4th recolor of the classics seeker mold and the most cartoon accurate!
One of the most amusing combination of commercial branding on a toy. It’s The Transformers Pepsi Optimus Prime, or more accurately Pepsi Convoy!
Yeah Soundwave was pretty cool… BUT what if he were BIGGER!?
Starscream takes command of the Decepticons and during his coronation he is interrupted by Galvatron, however, this time things afterwards play out a bit differently to say the least.
The Autobots kill the Decepticons this time.
A second take on Optimus Prime’s death scene. However this time he decides to give the matrix of leadership to a much more suitable host.