The Addams Family (1991)
The best version of the Addams Family?

The best version of the Addams Family?
Join us as we take a look back at this spellbinding film!
Tom Hanks’ first movie and it’s about a guy who REALLY hates weddings.
Remember variety shows? What if they made one with monsters in 1980 for some reason?
Do mysteries and jigsaw puzzles belong together? Join us as we read a creepy tale and put together an annoying puzzle from the 90s. It’s spooky!
Sometimes you just gotta watch some cozy crafts and eat some caramel apples. It’s a good thing.
One time the Grinch tired to do Halloween instead of Christmas… it got weird. This is Halloween is Grinch Night!
Sometimes things happened on Quantum Leap that you couldn’t explain, like bigfoot or vampires. Here’s the 10 times the show got super weird!
They are seriously making bootlegs Sonic.exe plushies! We have gotten to the point that stupid creepypastas are having rip off merchandise made of it.