Beauty and the Beast Anime
Originally a part of Nippon Animation’s Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics series, this anime version of the story was brought to us in English by Saban.
Originally a part of Nippon Animation’s Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics series, this anime version of the story was brought to us in English by Saban.
Dingo Pictures’s take on The Hunchback of Notre Dame stays more true to the book than a lot of it’s animated adaptations… that said it’s still Dingo Pictures.
Talking musical instruments and a handsome hunchback. How this story was truly intended.
I go over what worked about the crossover between the 2012 and 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and compare it to Turtles Forever.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame has the most asinine secret ever and it’s up to Frollo, the Sheriff of Paris, to find out what it is.
Dingo Pictures/Phoenix Games are at it again! This time they want to cash in on something that didn’t make money. But screw the Countryside Bears anyway this is Wabuu time!
The sequel series to Real Ghostbusters and the first new team of Ghostbusters. I go over the pro and cons of XGB!
It’s another Dingo Pictures masterpiece! This time primarily ripping off The Land Before Time! Join some stupid Dinosaurs as they try to find barely animated valley.
A little girl is dying from holidayitis and the only way for her to live is to trick her into staying alive until Christmas. How best to do that? A Magical Snowman story of course! Thanks Goodtimes!
The sequel to Rakin/Bass’s Rudolph movie made 37 years later in 3D by Goodtimes.