The Best Wrestler Renames
From now on Stone Cold Steve Austin is Major Destruction and Kane will be the Prince of Fear!
From now on Stone Cold Steve Austin is Major Destruction and Kane will be the Prince of Fear!
The WWE is over! Long live GR FlexForce! The new leader in chainsaw sports entertainment.
Spider-Man re-brands to Night-Man after getting his webbing stuck to his wrists. It really doesn’t have anything to do with the night.
Buzz Lightyear has never looked as cool as he does in this stupid cheap bootleg Toy Story 3 set! You will be amazed at his electronic function too!
It’s a Galaxy Hole line that I’m unsure of exactly and looks like a rainbow threw up. Could possibly have some connection to the Power Rangers Galaxy Hole line Space Patrol II, but then again maybe it doesn’t.
The Wizard of Oz, Planet of the Apes, Conan, and Terminator enter the Galaxy Hole in the Combo line. Tough Rambo seems to be the head of this line and you might remember Unicorna from his appearance on TMNT 2012!
Thomas the Tank Engine is up to his old bootleg tricks by becoming a Transformer again!
You won’t believe or understand what these Pokemon cards tell you!
It’s knock off of a knock off time. Tortoise Rider wasn’t good enough we need more Ninja Turtle bootlegs on motorcycles!