Snow White Christmas
Filmation’s sequel to Snow White (Totally Not Disney’s) with a Holiday Spice!

Filmation’s sequel to Snow White (Totally Not Disney’s) with a Holiday Spice!
Is Addams Family Values better than the 1st movie?
Sometimes you get some things you didn’t quite expect on your VHS cassettes…
Garfield goes to London to dance and do a Prince and the Pauper story… but mostly dance.
The best version of the Addams Family?
Tom Hanks’ first movie and it’s about a guy who REALLY hates weddings.
The VHS that shows you that you are beyond contempt if you don’t know all the rules to the Pokemon TCG and only collect and trade the stupid cards!
The “comedy” movie which turns into a slasher by the end with Tom Arnold trying to get Rick Moranis.
I go over the big differences, good and bad, of the Resident Evil 4 remake compared to the original game!