Mac and Me Original Ending! (Japanese Cut)
Japan got the original cut of Mac and Me featuring Eric getting shot by the police! I take a look at the differences between it and the regular cut.
Japan got the original cut of Mac and Me featuring Eric getting shot by the police! I take a look at the differences between it and the regular cut.
Dingo’s take on Tarzan isn’t called Tarzan most of the time. Sometimes it’s Lord of the Jungle and other times it’s Lord of the Rainforest.
This is a story about 2 birds and a talking canoe… Pocahontas also shows up and falls in love with 2 men.
Taking a look at the rather interesting marketing for the beginning of English Pokemon on this promo VHS tape. Meet all the characters you never wanted to exist like Ash’s Aunt Hillary and his science teacher!
Herman Melville’s tale of revenge is turned into a silly kids film where the whale can talk and has a sea horse best friend.
For the 10th anniversary of Phelous and the Movies I cover the giant cartoon crossover which got properties from 9 different companies together!
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles go to LA to promote trains for some reason and stop a weirdo with a Ghostbusters prop.
Looking at the series that helped revitalize the Transformers franchise, was an early CG cartoon and really did some great character work: Beast Wars!
Snow White sure does love poison, almost as much as the magic mirror loves ratting out that she’s still alive to the Evil Queen.
A bootleg Pinhead shows up and says NO a lot. Meanwhile a family has an argument in their living room for a long time.