Sonic Anime Movie
Tyler from My Retro Life Joins me to talk about the original Sonic OVA anime movie!
Tyler from My Retro Life Joins me to talk about the original Sonic OVA anime movie!
The Next Mutation ends as pathetically as it possibly can! A CLIP SHOW! And the Turtles are jerks again… yay.
M. Bison is the best, I love Bison dollars! Guile isn’t all that great though.
Originally the episode Hot Spells aired on the Halloween 1992 but was never aired again in the US and still isn’t able to be streamed in English online. These spells were just too hot for TV!
My 1:1 screen accurate proton pack prop! If there was one ridiculous movie prop I had to have it was this!
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles should have done Halloween better than Super Irma!
It’s a Galaxy Hole line that I’m unsure of exactly and looks like a rainbow threw up. Could possibly have some connection to the Power Rangers Galaxy Hole line Space Patrol II, but then again maybe it doesn’t.
The Garfield movie a mess where nothing happens and Bill Murray’s biggest regret!
Shredder returns and is now a bum and Splinter loves him.