Batman and Spider-Man’s Bizarre Set
This set has doofy figures, a crappy halloween costume, a disc shooter and a VCD!?

This set has doofy figures, a crappy halloween costume, a disc shooter and a VCD!?
The DBZ Super Battle Collection has been bootleged many times but this Great Saiyaman has some extras, also the wrong colours. Also I look at a bonus undersized Great Saiyaman bootleg.
Who transforms into a shoe? Honestly? Yes, Sports Label got bootleged, seriously.
They are seriously making bootlegs Sonic.exe plushies! We have gotten to the point that stupid creepypastas are having rip off merchandise made of it.
These pieces of crap at least aren’t hollow! These are the premium Mexican bootlegs I guess.
Robocop has hopped onto a bike and become a part of some kind of Motorcycle Space Patrol!
Pokemon now has a much better name! Pikachu and Clefairy are now into being spinner tops!
Even Mexico did their own version of Galaxy Warriors alongside He-Man, Skeletor and Lion-O!
If you like the Irwin Cell Saga DBZ figures of Gohan and Trunks you’ll love the bootlegs with weird eyes and less articulation!