• Sephiroth1204
    Just might make the CUT
    Comments: 50

    There’s something perfect about that line.
    Is it bad that when you cut to being on the phone I was reminded of Uwe Boll’s commentary track to House of the Dead?
    “Hey, let’s go have camping sex! I’ll be the third wheel!” 
    The only thing Jason hates more than Premarital sex is facial hair.

  • Steve3
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 104

    This is a great movie for fans of the Friday the 13th franchise who aren’t so keen on seeing Jason all the time…..Man, I hope nobody breaks a mirror when it’s showing Jason’s reflection-
    we could have Jason mirror-shard ghosts possessing all our Boogeyman
    mirror-shard ghosts, it’d be bonkers!


  • Literate Dead
    Comments: 13

    Yay, Phelous did another horror review! Awwww, now I have nothing to bitch about…


    Seriously, New Line, is body-swapping a thing? Was The Hidden that big a hit? Or did someone at the top have a body-swapping slug fetish…?


    Urgh, I can’t help but feel the same for this film as I do for any of the New Line Jason films: I really want to enjoy it, even on a so-bad-its-good level, but… I don’t know. These films just aren’t fun to me, and I even enjoy the 8th film!

  • Torque
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 27

    I was worried that it was taking you so long to get new reviews up. But after the Retribution and this review i have to say, YOU’RE THE BEST. Never stop buddy.

  • IHadAShotgun
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 26

    Liking the new format. Funny review, funny hell backdrop.

  • DJhyyper
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    I actually liked this film, but we do all have opinions.

  • Trade-Mart
    Comments: 6

    When the title says, “Jason Goes to Hell”, I thought that it was about Jason killing people in Hell! That would’ve been awesome. In the end of that film, Jason kills Satan and becomes the new high-ruler of Hell! But no, we get corroner possesed by Jason killing people, a cop possesed by Jason getting naked and killing people.. No Jason, no Jason at all.

  • valou999
    Comments: 60

    What’s up with the red background? I don’t like things that are different, even though it has no bearing on the content. Bring back the ol’ background or I will throw a fit after every video until you do. *shake fist threateningly*

  • zmbdog
    Comments: 10

    To be fair Forest Green was changed back to Crystal Lake during the Paramount era.  So I guess this film is just great with no flaws at all :p

  • ugaboo123
    Comments: 5

    this is an awsome video

    and phelous some crazy chick on youtube is in love with you.IM NOT KIDDING SHE HATES LUPA CUZ SHE IS DATING YOU its creepy she even dressed up like you…………oh my god

  • GamerGeorge
    Old Man
    Comments: 4

    hey phelous, did you hear about the freddy vs jason vs ash movie that aparently was going to be made? and instead they adapted it into a comic book i havn’t read it, but do think that would of been a good movie?

  • tommieraider
    Comments: 8

    The “Actually it is, fuck it!” phrase will prove to be one of the best Phelian quotes, it has to be! Or maybe it’s not that good…Actually it is, fuck it!  

  • octo7
    Just might make the CUT
    Comments: 42

    Phelous please do part VI, that movie is hilarious. 

  • fpsbcheezit
    Comments: 10

    The horror. 

  • Hemicrypta
    Comments: 13

    I know this is a 2 year old video but whatever… Skinny dipping is swimming in the nude, not your underwear. That’s why it is such a big deal in 80s teen movies.