Legends of Dragonore
The Sword and Sorcery line from Formo Toys which is bringing back the Galaxy Warriors!

The Sword and Sorcery line from Formo Toys which is bringing back the Galaxy Warriors!
Mobile video is back in Tiny TV form with Batman, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and Friends!
The Ghostbusters collection continues and I’m highlighting one of the hardest to come by releases on USB!
Got a few more versions of the TMNT movie including new formats like Mini DVD and VCD. Got a weird bootleg Russian VHS of the 2007 movie and I show other live action releases like the musicals, operation blue line and The Next Mutation!
Another amusing mobile media player this time from Matel! It’s similar to GBA video in some way but way less convenient and one of the slimiest things I’ve ever had the displeasure of touching.
Looking over the new Ghostbusters Blu Ray box set and the new special features!
My 1:1 screen accurate proton pack prop! If there was one ridiculous movie prop I had to have it was this!
I finally found that Ghostbusters was indeed release on Video 2000 aka V2000 and WE GOT ONE! Also some more VHS, Beta and Blu Ray releases including the largest box a Ghostbusters movie release came in!