Cabin Fever Remake
Cabin Fever was a film that sure didn’t need a remake. SO IT GOT ONE! No Eli Roth directing but it’s still his same old script… yay.
horror,Cabin Fever,Eli Roth

Cabin Fever was a film that sure didn’t need a remake. SO IT GOT ONE! No Eli Roth directing but it’s still his same old script… yay.
Cabin Fever gets a really stupid remake, yay! This is from an alternate reality where Dingo Pictures remade Cabin Fever.
Cabin Fever really surprises us all this time around with a really thoughtful piece about… idiots getting infected with a flesh eating virus.
Who’s taking who to prom and what is party cop up to? All the questions you never wanted the answers to in Cabin Fever 2!
No it’s not about “cabin fever” it’s about random unexplained make you cough blood and die infection.