We Wish You a Turtle Christmas

It’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s Holiday special! They forgot Splinter existed because he means nothing to them as he’s just an old nonathletic rat. It’s pretty silly.


  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    Ah, my favorite Olympic sport…. Golf.

    What’s worse? The Rap Rap, the Wrap Rap, or the Rap Rat?

    Keep on….Keep on….Keep on….Ooooah I’m wrapping gifts.

  • Ryuukokoro
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 25

    Aw yeah! Now I can add watching the Phelous review to my yearly tradition of watching the OLP TMNT Christmas review every Christmas! The season just got twice as jolly.

  • Jon Protagonist
    Jon Protagonist
    Comments: 429

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    “We’re the Turtles!…You can count on us!”

    Just breathtaking lyrical composition.

    (but also an earworm)