Old Man is back with a scary Super Mario story! This isn’t a haunted game though! It’s a silly made up story about a hidden evil level that’s apparently in Mario World.

Old Man is back with a scary Super Mario story! This isn’t a haunted game though! It’s a silly made up story about a hidden evil level that’s apparently in Mario World.
7 Comments Comments RSS
Shame there was no hyper-realistic blood since it was not a haunted game. Also the events not being reported with a stopwatch precision made it really difficult to get the time-frame of events.
Anyways thanks old man for the read and your insightful comments.
Look forward to these every year! I know that these are a ton of work, but this didn’t disappoint.
Thank you!
I enjoy these, oh so much.
Imagine Old Man & Halloweenie teaming up to do a dramatic reading of “My Immortal.”
Luigi: *Vince McMahon voice* IT WAS-A ME, MARIO! IT WAS-A ME, AAAALL ALONG, MARIO!
…and then Luigi became Freddy Krueger at the end screen?
Luigi: *Freddy voice* I’m your boyfriend now, Toadstool.
I actually fell asleep twice while watching this, maybe old man should do relaxation and meditation tapes…but seriously, I kept coming back and finally finished watching. Another great old man Creepypasta!
Old Man 4LYF!
So just what was that figure in the window?