I review and compare both versions of this episode! Egon and Slimer get their bodies swapped as Peter and Janine get their voices swapped in the redub!

I review and compare both versions of this episode! Egon and Slimer get their bodies swapped as Peter and Janine get their voices swapped in the redub!
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7:33 On the left that’s Gilbert Lewis, not William Marshall; Lewis was only in “Pee-wee’s Playhouse” season 1.
That’s a pretty cheap DVD you got there. The cheapest I’ve ever seen was the Green Legend Ran DVD, which didn’t even have a menu. The disc just immediately played when put in.
After 15-20 years, the only thing I remember at all about Green Legend Ran is that it was one of the first animes I ever disliked.
Hey I’m surprised anyone even knew what I was talking about. It is very obscure. I like it though, even though it has it’s flaws. One anime that I have strong dislike for is Miyuki Chan in Wonderland. I considered paying Phelous on Patreon to have him review it.
Ah, Miyuki-chan in Wonderland. CLAMP’s “sexual harassment/assault is funny when it has a lesbian angle” anime.
I wouldn’t say I hate that one. I just found it incredibly pointless.
I saw that one 20ish years ago, & it was definitely my least favorite CLAMP piece at the time. To this day, the only things CLAMP made after 1998 that I liked were either cancelled or put on indefinite hiatus. There’s not really too much I remember about it. It was less infuriating than the Shounen Alice manga, less cringy than the Black Butler’s “Ciel in Wonderland” OAV, & probably the inspiration for the all-girl Alice in Sexland hentai.
Wow, that one is pretty obscure too, so I’m impressed you guys have seen it. IMHO I don’t mind the fanservice aspect. My problem is that there is absolutely no plot and I have no idea what is going on most of the time. It seems like they are trying to be funny or trying to be sexy, when it just comes off as forced or as too weird to enjoy on any level.
Yeah, the lack of plot is probably why I forgot what it was about immediately after watching it. GLR could in fact be too banal to review. One of those things that’s just so mediocre that it deserves to be forgotten because it’s not bad enough to make fun of & not good enough to defend.
His voice change didn’t bother me much, because Coulier did a passable Bill Murray, but his line delivery is unquestionably flat & unenthusiastic, even a little rushed at times. After hearing the comparisons back to back, I can say that Music was definitely better at being Peter. Almost hard to believe Coulier was the hyper energetic goofball in Full House.
When Egon gets his ego on.
Ugh, her voice is just TOO different, too youthful, too chipper. She sounds like Lil DeVille from Rugrats. Too bad she didn;t deepen the pitch to at least a Sally Acorn level.
Every time I hear Slimer’s theme, it makes me think of Lurky & Murky Dismal from Rainbow Brite. ::Listens to both character’s themes on Youtube:: Hmmm…Hmmm…. There really IS a kind of similarity between them.
I like how Egon gets dumber & hungrier in Slimer’s body, but Slimer only gets calmer & quieter in Egon’s.
Mmmh it’s very subtile but I think Phelous does not like this Coulier guy very much.
Phelan doesn’t dislike Dave Coulier per se, it’s just that he considers Coulier’s inept voicing of Peter Venkman to be the cherry on the cake of Q5’s bastardization of his favorite character on the show. To paraphrase his own words, they changed Peter from a sarcastic quip-meister to a doofy, loudmouthed moron. I feel the same way about Gonzo from Jim Henson’s Muppet Babies and Brian from Family Guy: their actors weren’t changed but the respective writers took their characters in dramatically different directions from what they were originally, and each of those changes ticked me off to the point where I stopped watching all subsequent episodes of each series.
My biggest problem with the Dave Coulier Peter Venkman voice is that any 25 to 50 something white guy that isn’t a soprano can do that voice. It’s what every guy who thinks he’s funny does when he’s doing an impersonation of a phony game show host or announcer.
Also, Kath Soucie’s goody-goody voice coming out of the mouth of the original Janine’s design REALLY did not work. She sounded like a sweet, demure mom (which I know was Q5’s idea) or a 9-year-old girl.
Please do more videos about 80s cartoons.
80’s cartoons were something magical, and even though the animation quality and writing was better in the 90s (thanks largely to the Disney Afternoon and Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and DC licenses) there is something so bold and unmistakable about 80s cartoons like Transformers G1, The Real Ghostbusters, Thundercats, Thundarr The Barbarian, Defenders of the Earth, M.A.S.K., GI JOE and so on.
That would be nice. I’m subscribed to a lot of people who talk about modern cartoons, but rarely if ever gloss over anything older than the most popular cartoons of the 90s, rarely anything obscure, barely anything from the 80s, & nothing older, either because they themselves were too young to have seen it, or because they believe the majority of their audience is.
I find most modern cartoons don’t really do anything for me. Some Adult Swim stuff (like The Venture Brothers) and Anime, which is in it’s own category aside. Even Rick and Morty is just okay in my opinion…it’s smart, but I always feel like Futurama did it first and was funnier.
I also think most modern cartoons are unappealing in design. I’ll take 80s and 90s hand drawn line work animation with it’s hiccups and choppiness over bland computer and flash animation that admittedly does look smoother and cleaner.
I also miss the sheer action packed stimulation of 80s cartoons. Like movies of that era, big action and heroes were king. Villains launched exceedingly questionable plots for world domination, and the good guys fought them because that’s just what good guys do…and looked totally rad while doing it.
I just could not get into Rick & Morty or Bob’s Burgers. On both, friends told me that the shows were really “smart’n’funny,” then they make me watch episodes where the characters basically pass gas for half an hour. Speaking of the 80s, Moonbeam City had a terrible script & juvenile humor, but goddamn it was good to look at. Anyway, I’m really sick of how ridiculously simple & basic all cartoons seem to look these days, all copying the Adventure Time/Gumball art style…It’s like we’ve gone back to the 1960s.
Today’s adult cartoons lack the intellect of Daria & the macabreness of Spawn, the surrealness of Aeon Flux, & the, well… everything of Duckman. Cartoons don’t try to look different or try to be expressively artistic (Even Hammerman managed that). All the CGI stuff we said was gimicky & would age badly did just that (Butt Ugly Martians, Donkey Kong Country…ReBoot gets a pass though). & lastly, what happened to all the action shows & video-game tie-in animated series? It’s a shame those went out of style when RARE was in their prime.
I’m hoping the upcomming Villanous will at least bring back the feel of shows like Invader Zim & Billy & Mandy. Have you seen the 3 min Teen Titans web shorts? They were infinitely better than Teen Titans Go. https://www.youtube.com/user/cartoonnetwork/search?query=teen+titans+short
My brother and I do a blog that’s largely about cartoons (twinsanity.co–shameless plug), and we’re currently in the process of learning to make videos on the subject matter there, plus other stuff. I grew up in the 70’s, but I try not to let myself get time-warped with my tastes; I just watch whatever interests me, regardless of what era it comes from. I like some older stuff and some current stuff; for me, it’s not so much which decade it was from as much as it’s whether or not it’s something that I’m interested in. I generally prefer comedy over action and stand-alone episodes to over-arching sagas, so a lot of the ‘genre-busting’ toons of today don’t really do it for me; I lack the attention span for most serial shows.
Also, I’ve never placed anime in separate category. The fancy term ‘anime’ didn’t exist when I was growing up; to us, they were all just categorized as ‘cartoons’, so that’s how I view them. It’s also worth mentioning that while I don’t dislike anime, I’m merely an extremely casual viewer of it, as a lot of them just don’t tickle my fancy or I simply don’t have the attention span to want to keep up with them.
Movies, Music, TV shows, cartoons…almost every piece of popular culture is in some way a product of it’s time.
Name five popular cartoons from a decade and likely they’ll have more in common with one another than with cartoons from other eras. Don’t misunderstand me: I don’t “hate” or simply dismiss cartoons from any era…but I have a special nostalgic sweet spot for the 80s and especially the big team action cartoons like Gi Joe, Silverhawks, or Bionic Six.
On the topic of Anime, I’m a fan of quite a few series going back again to the 80s with shows like Robotech, Voltron, and Star Blazers. Only back then we called is “Japanimation” and it was a cut above western television animation until the Disney Afternoon came along and gave us some of the most beautiful hand drawn TV animation of all time starting with Gummi Bears and DuckTales.
I lack the attention span for most serial shows.
I’ve got that problem now too. I’m always in multitask mode. I’ll stop a show 5 minutes in, check a website for updates, watch 5 minutes, read an article, watch 5 minutes, look at Twitter, watch 5 minutes, play a video game for a couple of minutes, then finish the episode…..Maybe. Sometimes I just peter out at the last half of an episode & just listen to it while doing something else. I used to be able to binge-watch entire seasons of shows in a day, now I can barely handle a full episode per day. When was the last time I even finished a AAA video game to the end? Is it because I’m almost middle aged, or is this what begin connected to the internet at all times does to people?
Phelous brings up a good point here. Coulier really does sound more like he’s doing Bill Murray’s character from Caddyshack than Peter Venkman. If he’d used that voice for a Caddyshack animated series I doubt anyone would’ve complained, but it’s definitely out of place for The Real Ghostbusters. Having said that, I don’t know how much of the blame should be leveled at Coulier himself. Lorenzo Music certainly has the better delivery, but I don’t think even Music’s performance could have saved the worst examples of the writing from the Q5 episodes.
The more I listen to his delivery, the more I think Coullier’s big problem is that he’s acting as an impressionist instead of an actor. He’s way more focused on trying delivering the lines so they sound like Bill Murray then on delivering the lines so that they sound like an actual character.
Oddly, Ghostbusters had someone who could do both with Maurice LeMarche. The difference is that LeMarche delivers lines in a way that matches the kind of tone and delivery Harold Ramis would use rather then trying to sound exactly the way Ramis would. LeMarche is even still doing the same kind of thing. Last year in Zootopia he played a parody of Marlon Brando’s Don Corleone. He didn’t sound exactly like Brando, but he did sound enough like him to get the point across and still create a character.
And this is why LeMarche still gets voice work in big productions and Coullier is probably waiting on another season of Fuller House.