Checking out a very strangely designed Prison from the 30’s… of all the Silent Hills I could have visited why did it have to be Downpour?

Checking out a very strangely designed Prison from the 30’s… of all the Silent Hills I could have visited why did it have to be Downpour?
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So who smokes/vapes? that seemed like a lot for breath clouds.
I tried to watch this but the constant jiggering of the camera really made me dizzy and gave me a massive headache.
Still it was interesting to take a look at this. Could’ve used an introduction or something to let us know what exactly this trip was about beyond it just being a prison (Given the description, I’m guessing Downpour based its prison on this real one?)
I’m totally cool with more VLOG-y type videos, but an introduction would be much appreciated. That being said, this is some creepy shit
Now you know how Phelous feels when he’s reviewing found footage movies.
But this was a good video. :-0
Aaah, urban exploration. It’s one of those oddly fascination things you can watch forever, like zit popping videos, or episodes of shows like”How It’s Made” & “Is It Okay to Microwave This?”
1:00 Weird noises you’re getting there. At first I thought it was a toilet flushing.
2:59. No water here. This sink runs on all that sweet Crystal Pepsi we were promised but could never find in any store.
3:46 That dripping makes some sweet relaxing white noise. Almost makes you want to sit down & have a picnic…Except for the fact that it’s really dank & moldy in there. Hope you guys didn’t get sick from inhaling spores. That happened to Dan Bell once.
4:30 Kinda looks like Strong Mad.
Don’t think I’ve seen her since your 2008 review of Funny Games.
9:42 This from a video game soundtrack? Pretty cool actually.
You’re a real Vincent Price, you are.
No love for Adam The Woo? 😛
Not the best Ghostfacers episode, but not the worst. If you want to visit another Silent-Hill, you could try Centralia, Pennsylvania, which is the town the movie was supposedly based on. Although, it is actually pretty disappointing, unless you’re a big fan of graffiti penises.
When one thinks of bonding with ones siblings, one usually doesn’t think of going to old prisons. Just throwing it out there; seriously though, this was cool and kind of spooky (reminds me of this old WW2 testing facility I once saw where a James Bond film had many a crucial scene made; it was infested with grafiti and hornets though) That grafiti was strange
Though I don’t know if the Canadian Blarewitch Project is going to take off so well, since you guys have working internet service and all. Zero stars… 🙂
The score was great; you guys could make an actual horror film up their; though I am curious, how did you find this place; are there just random old prisons hanging around?
I kept expecting Slender Man to show up. 😀 Cool video though, definitely a very creepy location. Terrible Tomas could stand to work on his poetry a bit more though.
This video got me in the mood to re-visit your Wrong Turn reviews and I’ve found out something interesting in the process: a Russian review of a “Wrong Turn 7”. But there are only 6, you say? Well, it turns out a movie called “Scarce” was released in Russia under that name to cash in on the baffling popularity of the Wrong Turn franchise over there.
Oh, brother. The Wrong Turn franchise is bad enough without getting the Troll treatment. 🙂