A demake of the SNES, Mega Drive and Master System Lion King game which actually looks better than the official game on the NES!

A demake of the SNES, Mega Drive and Master System Lion King game which actually looks better than the official game on the NES!
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No suicide animations? Zero stars.
And now we have to wait for Lion King 9.
Well if we go by prime number (because why not ?) that would lead us to Lion King 11.
I’m sad we’re missing out on Lion King X, where Jason goes to space though.
I’m too tired to keep my X movies straight.
I used to have this game for Sega Genesis! I loved it <3
Was waiting for the “My God!”. Was not disappointed.
But seriously, that ostrich was some straight up BattleRoads scooter shit.
Boooo, no lion cub suicide via hanging, then I’m not interested!
Heh, kidding. Glad this is at least a more functional game… that ostrich segment though, parts like that in gaming is infuriating.
Do note that that second level was intentionally designed to be very difficult to increase the amount of time needed to pass it. There was a rule that you had to only get 20% of the game in a week’s rental. They mention it in a Let’s Play with the devs which you can find on YouTube.
(I meant in the original, of course. Not this NES demake. I don’t see a way to edit.)
I recall getting past the 2nd level in the real version of this game without it being as annoying as it is in this though. It just feels like they broke that section a bit.