A pack with the original seeker trio: Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp. This is the 4th recolor of the classics seeker mold and the most cartoon accurate!

A pack with the original seeker trio: Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp. This is the 4th recolor of the classics seeker mold and the most cartoon accurate!
11 Comments Comments RSS
Huh, your opening was a bit surprising for me.
Back when the Classics line started (when I was barely teen-aged) I found Skywarp and Thundercracker actually much easier than Starscream. Probably because of some difference between distribution in England, and distribution in Canada. The first of mine was a two-pack with Classics Thundercracker and Ultra Magnus (which annoyingly was just a white-and-blue recolour of Classics Opimus, though not the same one featured here but a much taller one) which did not come with armour attachments.
(Minor point, I’m pretty sure Henkei is supposed to be pronounced Hen-Key, but that doesn’t really matter, heh :P)
Those tech specs are clearly flawless–Skywarp: Super-intelligent, but also a complete dumbass. Brilliant X’D
Damn though, this three-pack looks awesome! Wish this’d been available near me, they’re great, and had much more accurate colour schemes than the US/UK release.
No, henkei (Japanese for “transform”) is pronounced “hen-kay” (well, hen-kay-ee, but it sounds like hen-kay).
While I like the idea of tech specs, I’ve never found them to be an accurate depiction of anything. I feel like they just pick a random number between 7 and 10 for each category, and throw in the occasional 4 through 6. (You can’t have too many low numbers, because kids won’t buy some LOSER with low all-around stats.)
As far as the cartoon is concerned, everyone’s fireblast and skill should be between 0 and 2. Transformers are worse than stormtroopers when it comes to hitting their target.
I put the wrong letter there by accident, not sure why I put an “E” instead of an “A” seeing as I know it’s “Hen-kay” and I’ve pronounced it like that for years. Weird…
To be honest, tech specs are something I think Hasbro should just abandon, along with character descriptions on the packaging. If they’re not gonna bother getting them right, there’s no point.
Hahaha, true. I remember actually getting kinda frustrated at that fact whenever I watched Transformers G1 (with the exception of the movie where all of a sudden they actually could shoot each other perfectly and a bunch of characters died… all because the creators really didn’t give a crap about the characters the way the kids did, and just wanted to clear the toy shelves ready for the new toys)
Actually, both Hasbro and Takara are often making this kind of packages nowadays: Hasbro has the Platinum special releases, and Takara the United ones, although most of the latter at the moment are being used to make gifsets of the Combiner Wars figures. And there is in particular a second Seeker set like this one, but with your beloved Conheads trio, just in case Starscream needs them to go fetch more stuff at the grocery store lol
“The shade of grey is slightly different on these two, with the Classics guy being a little more blue in hue vs the Seeker Ace’s a bit more yellowish tone.” Lol, they both look porcelain white to me.
Phelous, you forgot to count the re-release of Classics Starscream later in the Universe 2.0 line (see link) which had different paint apps, so that’s actually the 4th repaint of this mold as Starscream. The total amount of repaint that mold has had though is ri-di-cu-lous…. I’ve counted 32…
I really wish Phelous wrote Scripts for actual Transformers Comics/Cartoons/Movies. I’d love to see an expanded canon story of how the characters in the skit got turned back into their old forms. 😛
Not too bright clearly refers to his colour scheme.
Or it means he has a lot of book smarts, but not any sense. 😛
Is it wrong that I preferred Megs as a tank and/or in his Galvatron cannon form? :-/ The whole growing and shrinking thing always irked me a tad. Sorry. 🙁
Yeah haha, it drove me crazy that he did that too when I watched G1. It’s one of the reasons it baffles me that they chose THAT toy to be the Decepticon leader. He wasn’t the biggest, certainly wasn’t the most intimidating toy, and… well, shrinking down means he HAS the ability to change his size at will, so why the hell doesn’t Megatron take advantage of this ability all the damn time?! Like, just on a reconnaissance level, he, Soundwave and whoever else could shrink down to three inches tall, sneak around the Autobot base, spy on the Autobots–maybe even slip in at that size and slit their throats? Hell, do what the Autobots do in one episode, shrink down and go inside one of the Autobots’ bodies to murder them from the inside!
Or even better. If Megatron can return to his normal size, that implies he can grow massively too like Ant Man can. So if he can, then just grow to a hundred foot tall and squash Optimus Prime like a bug under his foot!
I can’t believe the Decepticons never bothered to take advantage over this immensely useful power!