Dingo Pictures/Phoenix Games are at it again! This time they want to cash in on something that didn’t make money. But screw the Countryside Bears anyway this is Wabuu time!

Dingo Pictures/Phoenix Games are at it again! This time they want to cash in on something that didn’t make money. But screw the Countryside Bears anyway this is Wabuu time!
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Hello budget Peter Gunn theme knockoff.
MahGod! Another Dingo movie! This one I didn’t even know existed… hell I didn’t even know of the crappy Disney it was supposed to be ripping off! lol
I still think you should review Dingo’s version of Hercules though… just saying ; D
It looks more like they’re trying to rip off the Berestain Bears than the Country Bears.
Yeah I mean WHAT THE HELL?!??!?!!?
Thank you for this review, Phelous, it makes recovering from wisdom teeth removal slightly less agonising and boring. I can tell you why the damn hell you’re stuck talking about Dingo again… it’s because your viewers like your Dingo reviews, because they’re incredibly funny. Or at least I do, whatever…
Another Dingo Pictures, uh, picture? I’m so happy! :]
If some characters wear clothes and others don’t, does that mean the naked ones are nudists? Because it kinda comes off that way.
*sigh* These plots, man. They’re so bland and pointless, it makes me wonder whose kid wrote all these scripts for them to animate. The voice actors sound like they weren’t paid enough to care or are just friends or family lending their voices to help cut costs. It’s all just so… so bad…
Yeah I noticed about the clothing too… I wonder what a Dingo ripofff of Zootopia would be like.
I’m 100% convinced that the poor souls who were roped into doing voice-work eventually went nuts. Case and point: Yodel. Only can a man who has seen the abyss could make such depraved noises. ( Or they were pretty much cracked to begin with… )
Thank you for another lovely Dingo Pictures review. I love watching them and marvel that these things even exist, and they keep getting worse. I do notice some advances in whatever animation feature they were using (mostly with Wabuu’s hopping cycle, something seems different about the medium itself, but then again, maybe it hasn’t changed at all and it looks different just because there hasn’t been a character who hops in the other films).
Perhaps all of this takes place in the same universe and they all sound alike and have the same models due to being trapped in a dimensional hellhole of unending sucky-ness. Who knows.
It probably helps too that this one came from a Playstation 2 version so the video was higher quality than the ones from PSX.
I actually have DVDs of some of things things coming now too.
Also they just really seem to like Wabuu so probably did a better job on his animation cycles because there was also that rabbit’s hopping that was… uhhh yeah…
Hooray, new review!!! Oooh, I love the Country Bears!!!
‘When you loose your love, along time ago-oh…’ oh, wrong one. Bummer 🙁
Why isn’t their mascot a dingo…instead of a mutant, bear sized raccoon with a disimodied foot? Anoyone feel like explaining that?
2:38 your show in a nutshell
4:22 oh jeez!!!! Exorsist 3: BEARS!!!!!
5:09 yes unknown bear, yes, allow yourself to do the will of supierior cartoons; retore honor to the illustrious name of Care Bear. Thy will is not thy own!!!
7:28 knock, knock; who’s there; interuppting bear; inturupting GRRRRRR!!! CHOMP!!! It’s funny because death!!!
9:27 that’s this company in a nutshell
10:18 yeah, in this, they’re starved and related to dogs: and Roo’s got a wee freakish twin growing out of it’s front
11:33 did you turn into Agent X20 from Stingray?
15:28 I’m glad you asked, Playboy Scottie dog bear hybrid! Seriously, why do Dingo characters always pose like lounge singers: the duck last time, this bear-ish thing and the crow that keeps showing up. Is Dingo trying to tell us what type of cartoons they really specialize in? Have you tried flipping over the disk or somethign and seeing what happens? Would you want to?
21:32 better then the origional
23:20 oh Phelous, you need to keep up with the times: all the hip cats now a days are doing the Rabbit Fit
25:53 you’re only saying that now? After all the out of sink voices, Winnie the Pooh rip-offs and constent staring into one’s soul
26:38: I do!! Though I lost mine….I want to take this moment to remember my lost braclet (sniffle). Again, only saying that now?
28:07 I’m suprised someone remembers Peter Gunn
30:05 these movies keep stunning me how dark they can get but this storyline takes the biscuit! Jeez!! Does ever changing name squirrl live?
30:27 Bambi?
30:37 gaaaugh, not again!!!
32:05: that works
Great review and impressed you managed to survive another of these films (watching this, I’m always wondering if this would be the one where you break down)…hang on, your releasing this video that looks like your usual base of operations and yet your still in the new Movie Nights episodes. How can you be in two places at once…do you have a secret time turner? HOLY COW, PHELOUS HAS A TIME TURNER: GAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!
Umm, excuse me, but I wrote something in bold and it didn’t show up that way. Just saying
Come on, even people like me who have never seen Peter Gunn recognize the theme. It’s one of the most iconic themes in TV history, written by the late, great Henry Mancini, who also gave us the Pink Panther theme, which means he wrote two of the coolest pieces of music ever.
Henry Mancini was the John Williams of his day. If you don’t appreciate his work look up more old movies.
Pretty sure Dingo Pictures only had two animators, one ten years old, the other a lazy stoner who once took an art class in middle school. But at least they went all out with their voice actors. There’s the woman, the German, and the main character’s BFF voice. That’s at least three!
There really isn’t any preparing for the cheapness of this crap, is there?
Who was their audience with these?! Who ever, EVER bought them before YOU did?? How much money did they make out of these things? They can’t have been turning a profit with how shitty these things are. Seriously, wtf???
I’m pretty sure with the budget for these movies it would only take a few dozen accidental grandparent-for-kids purchases to make a profit.
WAAAGH! Never make that face again! X(
Wabuu sounds suspiciously like Halloweenie…
I love that Phelous is now doing Animated knockoffs instead of just horror films. I wonder if he’ll do some other animated knockoff companies like Vídeo Brinquedo.
I hope he does. But if he never does, allow me to point you in the direction of Bobsheaux. https://www.youtube.com/user/Bobsheaux/search?query=brinquedo&ab_channel=Bobsheaux
I miss the white duck splaying seductively and presenting already…
Watching Phelous review bad cartoons is genuinely more entertaining for me than Pixar.
Saw that Country Bears movie strictly for Christopher Walken. You wanna talk about the Uncanny Valley…..Jeez.
I should be ashamed of myself for expecting different voice actors this time…Even Video Brinquedo used the same actors for every goddamn movie.
Honey? I thought the bear was collecting urine samples.
“Ghostststs! I’m hearing ghostststs!”
I feel the need to point out that the limp doll in Mi’s pouch looks like a blonde dick with arms. There, now none of you can unsee it.
So this one seems arguably worse than Son of the Lion King, Dalmatians 3, & even that dinosaur one. I would wonder if this was the worst they have to offer, but they have a shit ton more movies IMDB doesn’t even have listed.
I actually took cell animation in college. I can almost see the entire class cringing every time Wabuu hops. I mean…The walk cycle was our first assignment. This is still animated better than Crash Cargo though.
bahaha at 22:31 what did that bear see in that hole he fell into? he’s must of seen some serious shit.
Oh shit you’re right. That is one traumatized bear. What did you do in that hole, Thumper? WHAT DID YOU DO?
my good mr. phelous you amination is betteer then this
I expected a lot of things from this review, Bane memes wasn’t one of them. I guess running out of honey just wasn’t a part of his plan
I wonder why they decided to publish their stuff for the Playstation as opposed to the Xbox or The Wii.
Well Midas and Phoenix were putting these movies over to PS1 first and N64 wouldn’t have been a feasible option to put them on so it was probably that they all ready had a deal with Sony and kept putting them on PS2. But later on they did get a few on them onto DS.
They actually ported some of the Dingo Pictures movies to the DS? Now, I can watch those movies on the go on my 3DS XL (by the way 3DS’s are only region-free with DS games)!
*shudders* Dingo Pictures…the animation company that makes Jetlag/Goodtimes/Golden Films look like Miyazaki in comparison.
What about Video Brinquedo?
UAV Entertainment? Any of those Korean companies who made rip-offs of Japanese anime during the 70’s-mid-90’s?
Another wonderful review as always Phelan, also when you get the chance, do dingo’s Dalmations 3.
“But the pain that shot through him was so bad that everything went black”
eyes flash red
wa wa wa
“Bushell passed out because of the pain”
Dingo keeps on getting more brutal with each “film”.
The layered German-English phenomenon isn’t in this film alone. Dingo strikes again in the English dub “Animal Soccer World”, where the over the original German lyrics are sung over in…
Dingo Pictures truly is a treasure, oh yes.
Animal Soccer World is all kinds of atrocious, even compared to Dingo’s other movies. It easily has the worst English voice acting of all of the ones I’ve seen.
I’m not really sure what’s worse about the voice acting; the actual quality of it, or the fact that the cast totals to a grand one guy.
OR the fact that of all the Dingo Shit I’ve subjected myself to, I’ve never heard that guy’s voice in any of their other dubs. Who was that man? Where is he today? Is he ashamed?
Wow! I just watched this “movie” on YouTube a few nights ago, and here you are covering it already on your show, Phelous. Talk about a coincidence.
Did Bushell really die after passing out from the pain? Poe’s Law is in full effect here.
This movie is so bad and pointless, it’s like it was made simply to get back at people who thought Lion and the King was a mediocre waste of time. Point taken, Dingo Pictures! At least Lion and the King had a plot somewhere.
i wonder if he’s seen dingo’s aladin. you think their voice acting is bad, wait till you hear the voice acting of their children who have had about 2 years of english in school.
Phelous, your Dingo reviews always brighten my day. Your reactions are priceless and your wonky animation fits well with the shitty Dingo animation (yours are a bit better) and always get a laugh (Old man FTW).
I’m really sorry you have to sit through these, but know that they make a lot of people extremely happy. If you do Animal Soccer World I will die happy.
“child murderer! child murderer!”
I started to think they turned Wabuu into the animated version of Chikatilo, then I remembered he is Russian. However, Wabuu may eventually become Germany’s most prolific serial killer if he keeps going down this path. Only time will tell.
Another fantastic review Phelous!
I just noticed that Wabuu has his own tag on this video. I hope that means what I think it means…
So is the squirrel actually dead? If so, that would unquestionably make Wabuu a murderer.
Nah, he didn’t intend to kill him, so at best it would be man–er, squirrelslaughter.
I hope the bear does get wet too so Old Man can eat him 😀
Is it just me or does the theme song of this movie remind me of Phineas and Ferb?