X Files (2016) Podcast #3: Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster Obscurus Lupa | February 3, 2016 X Files ringtones for everyone! TV,x files,david duchovny,gillian anderson,x files podcast,chris carter
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Lollll @ Mulder already having enough of the X-Files. Scully should’ve just said “Cool, that’s what I’ve been saying.”
=credits roll=
QUEEQUEG NAME DROP! Screw William, somehow Scully getting another dog is all I wanted and never knew. XD
Mulder knocked out on Kim Manner’s grave with the X-Files theme ringtone going off on his phone was a bit much.
For nearly the entire episode I was thinking nah this has got to be a dream, Mulder is dreaming this and he’ll wake up at the end… But no it was all real, the nightmare truly was reality!