Old tells the tale of the cartoon that just couldn’t handle the phony intern’s stupid episode of Spongebob Squarepants they made up.

Old tells the tale of the cartoon that just couldn’t handle the phony intern’s stupid episode of Spongebob Squarepants they made up.
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if Dark Harvest taught me anything, it’s that kids can handle adult themes in cartoons just fine.
on a side note, I never thought I would ever say this, but the Old Man videos aren’t funny anymore. maybe it’s just me, but I had a much harder time laughing the 2nd time than the 1st. maybe some people still enjoy it, but I think it’s starting to become a personal taste issue.
It’s fine if you aren’t a big fan of this but the reason these videos exist AT ALL is because of others asking for this series to actually become and thing and once it did asked repeatedly for another. If I get a negative response overall, yeah, you probably won’t see this pop up again. So far that hasn’t been the case.
As for the reviews besides Alice in Wonderland all the old man appearances lately have been quick cameoish spots and he might not appear there again for a while.
well, I would say to those who kept requesting him: careful what you wish for.
I’m fine with the gags you’ve done in the past, hell I’m sure people still quote the “My God” quote from Lion & The King. but only if it’s done sparingly. the Old Man himself is fine, but he’s been popping up a bit too often lately. maybe it’s best to save him for a later video until you have a good idea on what to do with him that would be considered funny.
some of your jokes & gags are still funny mainly because I think you used them wisely and within the context of the videos you were making. the Siro gags from the MK Conquest videos, the “My God” joke from Lion & The King, or even the “What?!” joke from Mortal Komedy. I understand why you keep using him, but I don’t think using this gag over and over again in a short period of time is a good idea. but hey, that’s just my opinion. I would still support your videos either way. ^-^
If you’re looking for constructive feedback, Phelan, I still love Old Man’s appearances in the reviews, and I enjoy these creepypasta videos, but the length might be a bit of a problem? I can’t imagine it’s easy to keep that voice up for an extended period, even with retakes, and viewers who already don’t especially like Old Man might click out after a while. Perhaps adding another voice or two might help – perhaps the book has snide comments of his own, or he’s reading it to Beauty who has no idea why she’s listening to it? I don’t know.
Whatever the case, still love Old Man appearing to announce when something has become completely useless now HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Okay, first I want to say I like your videos and lot and you’re one of my favourite reviewers online, and I think you’ve done a lot of funny work, especially the GoodTimes movies. However… I don’t know if Ultratech94 and I are in a minority, but I don’t think the Old Man shtick is overused and it losing its funny edge. I really think you should leave it for a while, maybe a few months, not have him in the next GoodTimes movie review. Not that the gag can’t be funny again, I think we just need a break from it.
Still, these’re your videos and you should do what you enjoy.
personally, the reason why I think it’s no longer funny is because he’s using this gag too often. much like every other reviewer online, a single gag can in deed be funny, but not when it’s overused. time after time when comedians overuse a joke no matter what it is, it no longer becomes funny. I also think Phelous has done a lot of amazing videos and I think his videos are both funny & entertaining. however, just like other people online, not every video he releases I tend to like. which is nothing new, but it’s something that is to be expected at some point. I came to this conclusion after watching this video for the first 10 minutes, and not one joke made me laugh. at least the previous video, while a bit too long, made me chuckle here and there. maybe it’s time to reconsider the Old Man shtick Phelous before his appeal starts to wear off.
Yeah, it’s like Linkara with his running gags. It’s a special treat when he pulls the “I AM A MAYUN!” or “Bees, my god…” gags out because ya don’t really hear them that often, to say nothing of his “Now I’m radioactive, that can’t be good!” which may be his rarest, but somehow funniest reoccurring gag. Like I said, I don’t think Old Man can’t be funny again, but we gotta have it be rarer, more sporadic and unexpected, and therefore funnier, plus we can look forward to the next time it crops up, as opposed to just expecting it/dreading it 😛
It’s fine with me if you personally don’t enjoy these old man videos and think he’s appeared too often lately but that’s not really a good comparison. Those running gags you mentioned are lines, a more accurate thing to compare him to would be 90’s Kid, which he does use, all the time. I don’t plan to use Old Man to that extent but just saying. 😛
*Meant to say I DO think the old man shtick is overused.
possibly. I can’t deny that the Old Man character is rather funny. but I prefer him to pop up in the Good Times reviews every now and then. remember the “My God” joke? it was funny when he barely used it. I think the Old Man character can still be funny but only when he’s used correctly and only in small bits and pieces here & there. having Phelous use him in almost every single video isn’t funny & it does risk his new gag in getting stale if he decides to use it more & more without a single shred of input. even if he doesn’t use it too often, I don’t think the Old Man works with reading Creepy Pasta’s. I think he tends to work when Phelous can use his rumor to counteract whatever he’s reviewing. when the Old Man was first used, it was hilarious because of how he used him. maybe the Old Man gag would work better as a Let’s Play joke similar to how LittleKuriboh uses Marik in his let’s play videos. so, I will agree with you on the fact that he needs to reduce using the Old Man and that he is a funny character. I’m just saying that most comedian’s gags & jokes tends to stop being funny when it’s overdone & used too often.
while I will agree that the Old Man can be funny, I just don’t think it works with this kind of humor nor do I think over using the character is a good idea. I used most comedians as an example because most comedians tend to use a gag that seems to be working. but if it’s overused too often, then it does start to get stale and then the joke is no longer funny as a result. maybe instead of Creepy Pasta’s, he can use the Old Man in let’s play videos similar to how LittleKuriboh uses the voices of Yu-Gi-Oh in some of his let’s play videos he’s released. I think the Old Man can be funny, but if the joke is not executed properly, then you get videos like this one. when I first saw the Old Man, it was funny because you never expected the character to say things like that and it work within the context of the review. but now, it just feels lazy.
there’s no doubt that the Old Man is a funny character. I just think the way Phelous has been using him especially in this video isn’t funny. I just think it boils down to having a great idea being poorly executed.
Yeah, this is only the SECOND Creepypasta vid. :-/ Other than this, he only appears in Goodtimes reviews. That’s it. But yeah, I’m looking forward to more creepypastas.
look, you’re open to your opinion. but in my opinion, when Phelous tries to do these Creepypasta vids with the Old Man, I just don’t find them funny. there’s nothing wrong with that. like I’ve said before, I enjoy Phelous’ videos, but I don’t have to like all of his videos. I just don’t find these videos funny when it’s just the Old Man by himself. and trust me, I still think the Old Man is funny when Phelous uses him right. even 2nd videos posted can’t be funny to some people, it happens. and trust me, it’s more common than you think.
if you like the Old Man Creepypasta videos, that’s perfectly fine. but do I like them? no. again, that’s fine too. don’t let my disapproval stop you from liking it, but I am entitled to my own opinion. and I’m sorry, I just don’t find it funny like everyone else.
Right. Well, that doesn’t mean he should axe the series. There’s a reason he does several different series. He does it to appeal to different audiences.
that’s perfectly fine. but that doesn’t mean that I have to like every single video he makes. being a fan of one person’s content is not a sock hop. you do not have to dance with the one that brought you, if you know what I mean. whether or not you agree with me, I have a right to my opinion. and just because I like Phelous’ videos, that doesn’t mean that I am forced to like all of his videos as everyone else. and you know what, if he makes a video that has a mixed to negative reaction, then he should be open to criticism, learn from his mistakes, and make the right actions accordingly. I want people to be honest about things and not just dismiss them as just being negative. too often people make that mistake, and I shouldn’t have to change my opinion just because a few people don’t agree with them. like I said bellow, if Phelous wants to make more, then that decision is up to him and him alone. if you enjoy these videos, then that’s perfectly fine. but I have a right to be open and honest with myself, and sometimes it’s not going to be what YOU want to hear. but I do have a right to my own opinion, and in this situation, I don’t agree with everyone here and I don’t find this particular video funny. you may not like it, but it’s just my opinion. end of discussion!
It’s not the old man character’s fault. The material is simply awful. I love Phelan’s work, but once in a while he reviews absolutely awful garbage that’s not just incompetent and stupid, bot boring as well and no matter how he tries the only source of entertainment in those reviews is his negative reaction. These creepypastas fall squarely into that. They are poorly written garbage with absolutely no value as entertainment, even if you mock them. Perhaps they could be funny if we would be absolutely sure that the author was trying his best, but as far as we know, it’s just lazy apathetic drivel.
I love creepypastas! They’re so poorly written and try so hard to make goofy stories sound scary, with hilarious (I mean frightening) subject material such as E-rated video games and children’s cartoons… It’s impossible not to laugh at them. And the Old Man makes ’em easier to stomach as well.
Most also seem to be written by people between the ages of 13-19 (or people with mindsets in that age range), with terrible grammar and spelling mistakes all over the place, adding to the fun.
I still found the jokes funny, although the Old Man voice was slipping into Phelous’ normal voice at several points in this video. Probably hard to keep it up for so long. This story is so gimmicky. If they wanted the “creepy hidden photos” thing, they could have at least made it related to the subject matter. What does child murder have to do with suicide? Nothing. But it’s a surefire way to completely overshadow the suicide theme.
What’s the deal with the photos of dead people in the video version of this creepypasta you used? They’re pretty obscured but the second photo of the close-up of the guy’s face is still fairly coherent. I’m guessing they’re fake photos? I’ve known people to freak out over people playing the video because of the photos.
I’m sure they didn’t want to go too far with the “dead kids” thing when they made their fan video so just made what they did put in there pretty hard to make out instead.
I was amazed there were so many versions of this video, made it nice though having choices, especially when usually only one of the 3 I used would follow a certain part of what was described in the silly thing.
I’m still onboard with Old Man, Phelan, the character is great because you plucked a nothing character from the abyss and gave him a distinctly hilarious personality, and I honestly do like this format. You’re still getting hearty chuckles out of me, is all I’m sayin’. 🙂
I agree with KaijuKid.
This is exactly my kind of humor, and I love it. Keep doing these and will keep watching.
I’ll just give you some advice as someone who loves to do goofy voices and accents:
– I often do them in my car when no one can hear me, people will think you’re just singing along with the radio or talking on blu-tooth anyway…and you won’t make your friends and family start to worry about you.
– Old man’s best and most distinctive tick is when he stammers at a loss for words, and you do that well. (you know “uh, buh…eh, deeb, duh…”)
Other then that, my advice is completely useless!
Thirding. Old Man is my favorite part of the show since we lost Siro, the Greatest Recurring Mortal Kombat Joke. Ever since you included the backwards Song of Healing for a second or two at the end of a video, I had hoped you were a creepypasta fan, and pairing hilariously bad CPs with Old Man is comedic gold.
Ok. So right off the bat I have a problem with this story. (The actual story, not the video)
1: if you are an INTERN at an animation studio YOU DO GET PAID. It is below minimum wage as far as I can remember but YOU DO GET PAID. Also, a requirement to be an intern at ANY major animation studio is that you STILL NEED TO BE GOING TO ANIMATION/ART COLLEGE TO GET THE INTERNSHIP. You cannot use the internship as your education on its own. If you are NOT attending an art/animation college, you will not be allowed to be an intern at a studio.
It’s really really bad when I can call bullshit on a story at the 2:44 mark.
2: No. …No we do not put in joke title cards. Especially when it comes to fucking editing. Editing before an episode is finished is an extremely crucial part because, before you animate, YOU HAVE NOTHING THAT EXISTS YET. And so Storyboard panels and title cards ARE YOUR LIFELINE FOR KNOWING WHAT’S GOING ON. Putting in a “fake” title card is confusing for all staff involved. It’s confusing for the editor, not knowing if this is somthing to leave in or not, it’s confusing for the storyboard artist, who will not know which episode they are currently storyboarding, and it is confusing for the animators since, usually, we work on several episodes at the same time. And things like episode titles are how we keep track of which scene we are working on. Adding fake title cards creates a complete mess. And in a pipeline that mess could mean unnecessary redos, which is time, which is money. And we have tight deadlines as it is.
3: actually no. The animators shouldn’t be in this room if it’s a final cut (I’m really confused if this is like a rough edit or a final animation edit. This is why you don’t use fake title cards) If this is a final edit the animation Director would probably have some hand in it but not the animators. We have other shit to do and deadlines to meet. Actually why would an intern be there? Shouldn’t he be getting coffee or something?
4: I’m confused. The time stamp on what? If the episode is busy being edited it will be made up of seperate video files each with their own time stamp.
ok. my ranting aside I actually think this one’s also a good video 😀 I like these. Keep ’em coming! As long as your voice holds out that is.
There are internships that aren’t paid, you are usually lucky to get a paid internship.
But yeah the story was a sea of nonsense.
In animation? Possibly true. While at college getting paid seemed to be the normal practice though, so I just presumed that was how things were done.
Regardless yes. “Sea of Nonsense” is now my new favourite description for things.
I would be fine with just you “reviewing” the creepypasta if the Old Man shtick gets to be too much.
I actually enjoyed this one more than the Sonic, it was a more Phelous old man than regular old man. I appreciated the throwbacks to the first OMRCP.
Oh boi, it’s time for Uncle Old Man’s Crappypaste Theater!
I miss the old Memphis Milano style Nick Studios.
Squidward’s eyes look like two Century Eggs. Bleh!
The part about the kids & the photographer are what really make it a crappypasta…It;s like a totally unrelated thing was injected in because the author had advanced ADHD.
I’d heard of this one but never watched or read it. Found it on Youtube under “Squidward’s Suicide: Red Mist. Lost episode.” I don’t know what was worse, the lack of a music track, the way the sound cut in & out, or the godawful pacign that just dragged on forever. Not sure why this one was so popular.
Fun fact: here is a Pokemon Creepypasta called “Prevention of Evolution” with a villain Character called EEeEE. Never read it, but it made me think of the Old Man.
So Phelan. I was thinking about Old Man’s limited amount of positions. Would you maybe want us to send in some fan art you could freely use in your videos? You know, try to imitate the art style as close as possible with identical colors & transparent backgrounds?
I can always pull more positions for him if I do more of these in the future, we’ll see.
Old Man never gets boring to me. Ever. This was a pleasant surprise as I thought it would simply be a one time thing to make up for Halloweenie last year. I look forward to more of these! I can’t believe some of these Creepypastas get so popular. Most are garbage, though there are some truly haunting stories like Candle Cove and Abandoned By Disney.
SpongeBob is wet and therefore useless.
Maybe you should stop doing these. You know, like when you cross your eyes and hold it for too long and are cross-eyed forever (it’s true: my friend told me that it happened to his cousin’s friend).
Your voice may stay that way. That or Old Man may take over your body.
Phelous, I just made an account specifically to tell you how fucking awesome The Old Man is.
He’s fucking awesome. Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot!
Ahh man, when I heard about this, I thought it would be a tongue and cheek thing. Because everyone made a ‘Sqidward’s life sucks’ joke if they’re a fan of the show.
Like eke you should be talking Old Man! You murdered your son! We all know who the real monster here is! No, not the beast. No, not water. No, not even your dumb daughter. THAT HORSE!
So, when they saw the dead kids… They really thought that was part of the show?! Wow… HOW MESSED UP IS THE EDITING PORTION OF SPONGEBOB?!
Lastly, still better then Sonic E.X.E. At least that didn’t end with a Squidward plushie.
I like the Old Man Bit and I laugh every time he shows up but I think he works better as a cameo joke then be in an entire video.
Considering how a few people seem to be tiring of Old Man, would you ever just start reviewing/reading creepypastas as Phelan? I think it’d be great either way. Or maybe you could start using different characters every now and then to keep it from getting stale. I personally like Old Man, but if he’s gotta go for these creepypasta videos to stay, it’s totally worth it.
No, I’m not really interested in doing these as other characters, if the majority get sick of this I’ll just cancel the Creepypasta thing.
You can always play it safe & make the Creepypasta series seasonal like Halloweenie, or something you do quarterly.
please don’t stop it, there are good creepy pastas that get good reads then there bad ones that need the old man.
Please more creepy pasta
I love the series personally. Not for everyone perhaps, but neither are the Supernatural Vlogs as I don’t watch the show.
I remember watching a reading of the creepypasta years ago. Back then it was kind of creepy, but I don’t know if it was due to a good narrator, the background music or the fact that the only one I had heard prior was Sonic.exe.
Like some of the others here, I also enjoy Old Man. To me, he has yet to get old or become completely useless! Keep up the awesome work, Phelous!
I’m a fan of these videos and the Old man in general (Most because his laugh makes me happy and giggle every single time I hear it.)
I enjoyed the video and like that you added the book because it helps tell when you are cracking jokes but adds to it I think.
Anyways I also agree with others that you should definitely do these videos once in a while or when you feel like it as they will definitely be more enjoyable sparingly (Though keep up with the laugh i can’t get enough of it XD)
I find the Old Man hilarious nand i never get tired of him xD
This episode of Spongebob is awful! I’m gonna go watch Candle Cove instead.
I for one still find Old Man hilarious. I would love to hear ‘his’ thoughts on the Sonic .exe sequels some day.
As long as we’re having a dialogue, I want to say that I find Old Man to be hilarious and still laugh my ass of whenever he shows up, but I think the criticism of over-use is a valid one. As long as he doesn’t take over the regular Phelous videos, I don’t see the problem. People who like it can watch these videos, and people who don’t, won’t.
Phelous, you make so much fucking content for us, I love you. I will never reject your gift of Old Man.
Just another person throwing in his less than 2 cents, so maybe like one whole cent, on the Old Man. I love it personally. The Old Man makes creepy pasta hilarious intentionally, rather than me just finding them unintentionally hilarious.
I watched this video twice stopping at intervals of 30 seconds for about a minute. It was pretty hyper realistic.
Keep up the great work Phelous!
Okay, despite the fact that I have a tendency, when I make comments, to put my foot in my mouth so much so that I might as well be deepthroating to the heel; I have to say something.
For those of you getting tired of old man reads creepypastas I would like to say that is definitely not Phelous fault. If anyone is to blame it’s me because I’m the one that suggested you become a series.I personally liked this episode however can understand if some might be getting sick of it and totally understand your criticisms. That said I would like to make a note that one this is the only the second episode so there might be a bit of a learning curve because there always is with entertaiment. I hope you understand. Please be gentle 🙂
Thank you Phelous for making these. I thought that adding the book was a very good idea because now we can tell what is the joke and what is just really stupid dialogue which can be very hard to tell in some of these stories. Keep up the good work.
P. S. S.
I did find really ugly son was from and watch the movie (Beauty and The Beast, Bevanfield Film 1992) and have to ask how on earth this has been reviewed yet? I am not saying you have to I’m just surprised you haven’t.
I thought it was a great idea. D: And I hope more will come out in the future.
Did you know that Old Man was a STARVENGER?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQWppDHSi2k&feature=youtu.be&t=594
Phelous, don’t listen to the haters. I love this series. Just consider it a “niche” series like the “Supernatural” Vlogs, like someone else said. It’s not going to be for everyone, but those of us who it is for enjoy it. Thanks again for making this.
well, if it’s not for everyone, then why are you saying “don’t listen to the haters”? I’m sensing mixed messages here.
Because different shows attract different ppl. He shouldn’t necessarily axe it just because not everyone likes it. By doing different shows he gets a wider audience.
well, if it’s not for everyone, then not everyone is going to like it. your opinions are sending mixed messages because one minute you say “don’t listen to the haters” and then the next minute you say “it’s not for everyone”. just like when you said “he shouldn’t axe it because not everyone likes it”, I don’t have to change my opinion because some people don’t agree with me on it. negative feedback can be important to understanding what isn’t working. and you do not have the right to dismiss honest opinions as just being negative just because it’s not what you want to hear and it doesn’t follow the same opinion as everyone else. I never said that he should be forced to completely axe a series just because of a few comments, but at the same time, if he really wants to improve on his content just like every other normal person, then he should be open to criticism. he should learn what isn’t working and make the right adjustments so that it can appeal to more people. that’s how you learn. I think you just don’t like what I’m saying, so you go on and on dismissing any comment I make as pure negativity. ultimately, if you don’t like my opinions, then why do you keep responding to me? huh? why can’t you just accept the fact that not everyone is going to enjoy these videos, just respond saying “to each is own”, and move on?
Hater has quite a negative connotation. They’re just people with an opinion.
yes, that is correct. it’s not our fault that some people are so insecure that they can’t handle a few honest opinions or some slight criticism. hey, some people don’t like it, that’s perfectly fine. it’s not the end of the world, it’s just a simple fact.
I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean literal hater, just those with a negative opinion on the content. It’s just shorthand/slang/whatever.
that maybe true, but if you take it out of context, some people wont see it that way. also, who said that being negative is a bad thing? I think there is a lot of benefits to being negative, just like there are some hazards to being too positive. having people disagree with my opinion is not why I’m angry, it’s that constant accusations & equally negative reactions to my comments that made me angry. if you actually go back and read my comments, it started off as being honest and then it started to sound angry. and again, that’s exactly what happens when people keep feeding fuel to the fire as I tend to put it.
if you don’t want me to be angry anymore, then stop responding to me. it’s that simple. and like I’ve said at least 3 times by now, I’m done talking. I want to end it here because it’s getting us no where, it’s not solving anything, and it’s doesn’t accomplish anything. I can’t sit here and argue with you people all day, and I’ve got more important things to worry about.
Yes, “hater” was out of line. I will apologize for this, but I still support this show. If you don’t like these segements, just don’t watch them. There’s certain things on Phelous I don’t watch because I have zero interest in them (Baywatching), but I don’t tell Phelous and company to stop making them because there’s still folks who do watch it. This is all I will say on the matter. I also apologize for not replying on this matter much, much, much sooner.
Oh! I also wanted to add I really like the addition of Wordsworth as a visual indication of what is nonsense and what is nonsense coming from Old Man 😀 This was a great idea! Yeah! *thumbs up*
words smith added was stroke of brilliance
I love old man and normally i’m too chicken to read creepypastas, so it’s really nice that there is someone willing to read them for me in a funny way.
i will settle this argument once and for all, I crunchy pants the 3rd ruler of my own kingdom of pants. Declare there shall be more old man reads creepy pasta and in fact Jan the 8th shall be known as old man reads creepy pasta day. A holiday to be celebrated by all
sure, that will go well. wait, hold on a minute, I’m getting a call from Reality. oh hey, it’s for you.
Thank you for giving us ‘Old Man’! He must live forever on the internets!
Loved seeing Master Hand represent the killer’s hand by the way 😀
Haha thanks, glad someone liked that.
Just don’t get him wet, or he’ll multiply. Or be completely useless now. I forget exactly which.
I haven’t checked carefully to see if anyone else has suggested this particular reading, but Fedora did this as the 6th episode of his “Pillow Pastas” series: http://youtu.be/2COXi45SCc4
Thought he did a good job considering the material, and last I checked it had under 500 views (and Fedora has 1000 subscribers; he occasionally does crossovers with Bobsheaux).
Well, I’d say the audience reaction here & on youtube was mostly positive by a long shot. For me, this is one of the few ways creepypastas can even hold my attention. Most people just read them out loud with some bare minimal effort put into bringing them to life. You read them, mock their flaws, & put a lot more effort into the visual aspects.
If people are sick of the Old Man, just… don’t watch the Old Man videos? For what it’s worth, I love these. Ever since you did the Sonic one I was hoping you’d do another. More Old Man Creepypasta!
Sadly, I suspect that’s just too easy for some people.
Wow, on Youtube everyone seems to love Old Man reads, but on here their is a surprisingly mixed reactions.
Normally all the mixed and negative feedback comes from Youtube..
As for me, I love Old Man Read’s, it has alot of promise and the two you’ve read have been really funny and entertaining, I sure hope to see more from this series,
Old Man Read’s Jeff The Killer and Old Man Read’s Suicide Mouse would be freaking fantastic to see!
as you can see the overall reaction is positive when we look at ratings from the two Old Man Reads.
So I say keep going, would hate to see some negitive need back stop you from making these videos :c
I don’t think the reaction was mixed, actually. The thing is that the top post is negative which you see first.
once again, how do you people confuse an honest opinion with negativity? in what form of context does the 1st comment made (which happens to be mine), does it even remotely sound negative? everyone has their right to their own opinions, and I don’t agree with everyone here. which isn’t a bad thing. it’s perfectly fine for some people on this site to not like a video he releases, and negative feedback is just as important as positive feedback. much like every single video posted online, chances are high that some people aren’t going to enjoy a video like everyone else. which, again, is not only old news but it’s more common than most of you guys here are willing to admit. listen, I enjoy Phelous’ videos a lot, but no one forced me to like every single video he releases. all I said was that I personally thought that it wasn’t funny and that it just might be a personal taste sort of thing. you may not agree with my opinions, nor do my opinions acquire you to, but it’s why it’s MY opinion and not Your opinion. it’s not my fault that most people are completely insecure about one single honest opinion that just happened to be the first comment made. if you people don’t agree with, then that’s fine. but I have a right to not enjoy it and speak my mind as to why I don’t like it. and if he want’s to ignore my comments and make more, then that’s ultimately his decision and nobody else’s. so just move on and f***ing get over it.
” so just move on and f***ing get over it.”
Maybe take your own advice? I mean yeah we get it, you want to be allowed your right to dissent, that’s fine but for frick’s sake! Paragraph after paragraph angrily defending your right to not like something is really overkill. You’re sounding as angry and insecure as the people you’re accusing of being angry and insecure.
well I wonder why. it’s because people keep responding. don’t play the “your being angry & insecure as the same people you accuse of being angry & insecure” card with me if you intend to keep responding to me which keeps the conversation going.
and if you ask me, no one even bothered asking me what I think Phelous could do to make the video better. everyone is being just as judgmental as you accuse me of being, which doesn’t make your response better or wiser.
if you don’t like me responding or think that just because I respond it automatically means I’m angry for some odd reason, then why do you bother responding back to me? would that mean that your expecting a reaction? the reason why I assume I sound angry (even though I call bullshit on that statement), is because I keep responding. but that’s only because some people can’t seem to leave well enough alone. I said over and over again that I have a right to my opinion, but for some of you people here, that’s not good enough.
you continue to accuse me of being angry, of being negative, of being a hater, of expecting these videos to be axed even though I never said that once, and yet here you people are, accusing me of the same exact crap you folks have been doing, & willfully continuing to allow the conversation to move forward. and I said “move on and f***ing get over it”, that doesn’t translate into “say drag this out even further”. for f*** sakes, don’t you have more important things to worry about rather than what I’m saying?
What he said ^
well I wonder why. it’s because people continue to respond back to me.
funny how you accuse me of being angry and being insecure when you and everyone else have been accusing me of being angry, being negative, being a hater, or expecting Phelous to quote un quote axe these videos, all because you people don’t agree with what I’m saying and taking what I said at the top completely out of context. no matter what I say, you and everyone else will dismiss it was just being negative.
if you didn’t want me to respond, then why are you responding to me and dragging this conversation even further? when I said “just move on and f***ing get over it”, that doesn’t translate into “let’s keep the conversation going”.
also, to be fair, none of you even bothered to consider to ask me what I could suggest to make these videos better. if you would just say “well, what do you suggest?” or at the very least “well, I may not agree, but I completely understand”, what you all did was the complete opposite and rather negative in and of itself. instead of asking me questions, you end up being the accuser blaming the accused of the same bullshit that all of you are doing. none of us can’t agree on this, and I’ll be the first to admit that all of us, all of us, are being needlessly too negative about it, me included. so, instead of being nasty & dragging this argument even further than it needs to be, I’ll just politely ask that we all just drop the conversation and end it here. would that be acceptable to you?
When you say the Old Man isn’t funny anymore, that’s a negative opinion. You don’t think he’s funny. This isn’t an affront against you, it’s just a statement of the fact you have a negative opinion of the humor.
but again, that’s all you people are dwelling on. you’re the ones who wants to keep going on and on about it. did you even read the rest of what I said or did you skim over it? after the first statement I said “maybe it’s just me, but I had a much harder time laughing the 2nd time than the 1st. maybe some people still enjoy it, but I think it’s starting to become a personal taste issue.” that’s it, that’s all there is to it. don’t like my opinion, then fine. don’t agree, that’s your decision. but again, I’m done with this conversation, end of it.
There is positive criticism, there is negative criticism and there is pure unadultered slander. I didn’t say you were the last mentioned, just not positive. Take a chill pill, duderino.
once again, that’s all you people are dwelling on, the negativity. I get it! I never said I didn’t get it, but that’s the only thing you folks keep dwelling on over and over and over again. besides, the video was posted January 6, and it’s January 10, you would think that people would get over it by now, instead you keep responding to my comments which are just as negative and no better than what everyone else has said, and it keeps me responding even though I’ve asked numerous times to just end the conversation because it’s not helping the situation and it’s becoming a distraction. and like I said over and over and over and over again, why don’t you just stop commenting back to me? I said I was done at least 4 times by now within the past few hours, and obviously no one seems to have gotten the memo. don’t tell me to take a chill pill if you or someone else is just going to keep commenting back to me on the same god damn issue even though I asked to end the conversation. I’m tired, I’m stressed, I’m not in a good mood, and I don’t want to keep talking about the same issues with the same people. no one is going to agree, nothing is being accomplished here today, and we’re at an impasse. so, let’s just agree to disagree and just end this conversation. huh? what do you say?
Wow, I am not entirely sure what is going on at this point. You really need that chill pill, as you seem to be ranting on forever about how little you care about this topic, which you clearly do. I sure don’t, but I find this entire argument bloated with nonsense an eyesore.
And people will pop in every once in a while and disagree. That’s what happens when you make the top post with anything else but praise. Happens all the time. Just ignore it and move on.
How about Creepypastas led by Dr. Lanyon (“OH MY GOD!”)?
Eh, nevermind, I just realized you’d never really given Lanyon a distinct personality like Beauty’s father. XD
Because no one cares
You gave your opinion as is your right, but when the content creator responded to you, said he understood but as long as the majority of people enjoy what he is doing then he was going to continue to make them, but thank you for your input. That should have been it. But you continued to argue the point with him.
Now your saying your upset because no one asked you how you think it can be done for you to like it. that what that each of these old man reads should be crafted to your specific tastes.
Why not do something creative and make your own, it would be cool to read, to see what you can come up with.
“because no one cares.” bullshit. you responded, that showed that you cared to speak out to me, doesn’t it? a wiser & smarter man once said: “People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.”
also, if you’re referring to me, then this will be the last thing I’ll comment on. you asked “why not do something creative and make your own”, I have. I’ve been working on over 300 designs for one project within the past 16 years, working with someone locally to make t-shirts based on 4 designs (which have been copyrighted), I’ve written 4 song lyrics, I even had someone from youtube make a song for me from an old podcast with an image I designed & edited myself. want proof, here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsWUXv0InRM
I don’t do creepypasta’s, but I do design my own work. I’ve been doing it since November 10th 1999 and I’ve been learning how to improve over my craft for the past 3 years. I’ve had times where I can spend over 12 hours working on just 4 designs. I’ve even had positive responses from 7 actors & 8 actresses which includes veteran actors from Mortal Kombat & even Rutger Hauer himself. you know, the man who once worked with Ridley Scott on Blade Runner, liked my ideas.
I’ve put 16 years of my life into my creativity, which is much longer than a creepypasta can do in 16 minutes. 17 years by November of this year. that’s a very long time, a lot of hours, and a whole lot of paper that went into what I’ve been trying to accomplish. and even with that being said, I’m also trying to improve, learn new skills, and all of it (with stuff I’ve not mentioned like editing artwork, making tons & tons of videos, learning voice acting, and many more), were all self taught. no classroom, no teacher hovering over my shoulder, no one told me how to do all of it. and I’ve been doing it since I was 13. with that being said, I’m done arguing and I’m done with this conversation. end of discussion!
and lastly, I wasn’t arguing with Phelous. I was arguing with everyone else. it was beyond people just disagreeing with my comments, they just jumped to conclusions and kept going. what did you think was going to happen? and maybe if they didn’t keep accusing me of things (being a hater, being negative, wanting Phelous to axe this show completely, being angry, & so on) and then have more & more people responding to my comments left & right from one video to another acting like some sort of lynch mob, then maybe I would of been fine with it & walked away. like I said, I’m done talking. I’m worn out, I’m tired, way too stressed out based on other personal reasons, and I don’t want you and/or anyone else dragging this argument out any further because it’s not accomplishing anything and we aren’t getting anywhere.
Well, if it means anything I am sorry your stressed out, hope things get better for ya. :c
thanks. I hope so. trust me, I don’t need any unnecessary stress right now since that’s what led me to the hospital back in July 2014 due to unusually high blood pressure & heart palpitations after arguing with 1 person. one really thick & incompetent person.
that’s why I’m trying to move forward with my creativity by getting my artwork copyright, selling them as t-shirts, and working as hard as I can in finishing the designs for my 16 year old anime project. eventually I’m going to have to write the scripts, but it’s still a goal worth accomplishing even after all these years.
hell, I was able to make Phelous a dvd last year featuring old commercials for Mortal Kombat. it took me forever to accomplish, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to meet him at Magfest 2015. I did give Yomarz the dvd I made for him and the custom cd’s I made for a lot of people. even Linkara appreciated me doing that. even making a video for Phelous took a lot of time and energy out of my schedule. so, I have shown my appreciation for his videos.
Well, I would like to support ya, if you have accounts where I could support ya with a sub or a watch that is.
I deeply appreciate it. unfortunately, my YouTube account has been closed since August 2015 due to technical problems. however, I am willing to rejoin YouTube once again and start reposting videos. but not until the split from Google + which they’re currently in the process of doing. I’m willing to be patient enough until that happens, then I will start posting videos once again. my current goal is to start selling t-shirts based on my more darker artwork. me and my mother just need to set up another meeting with the person who will be making them. those were the designs that were copyrighted last month. a lot of the artwork I’ve done under the Jason’s Dark Art name were made when I was pissed off, and a lot of them were heavily influenced by the art style of Todd McFarlane. and as we speak, I’m still attempting to edit some of my anime designs….at 3:26 am. I can use as much support as I can get, so, I deeply appreciate it.
the only thing on YouTube that’s still posted that I was apart of is a song a YT account made for a podcast I used to do called The Legend Speaks called Legends Never Die. the image seen in the background I drew, scanned, & edited. which btw I use pixlr.com for every single image I edit whether it’s my own artwork or just random images I find online. The Legend Speaks came from a comment he made in an older video I posted. this was when I went under the name EpicJason from December 2014 to August 2015. my account maybe gone, but this isn’t. check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsWUXv0InRM
time for a rebuttal, yes you were kind are arguing with the man himself .
As for your youtube channel. The link ya sent Mr Cage. and I give credit is do. Your good I enjoyed classical chaos good tune, I like it and I think everyone should give ya a good listen. IF they like guitar instrumentals, give Mr. Cage a listen and if he has an album or ep, it would make a good solid buy.
don’t want to sound like a jerk, but after 17 years of creative work, if all you have to say is some actors and one film maker liked your idea but nothing came out of it. Then ya know…
But then again that’s more then I can say about it. Ya brave enough to put yourself out there and I do have to respect that.
Ahh, okay, the video is quite nice, and once you make your new account i’ll make sure to give you a watch ^-^
Also, I heard about Youtube leaving all connections from Google+, but I heard that acouple mouths ago and I never saw anything come from it.
What is going to change when Youtube finally leaves Google +?
Dunno. I still use Google+ for Youtube. The site’s been fairly useless ever since they got rid of the games. Now it’s just a Facebook where people post upscale photography & animated cat gifs instead of memes & cat videos.
Eh, call me a negative nancy but I don’t think we need yet another “riffing on creepypastas” series on the internet. There’s already an entire web series called Bad Creepypasta which is like MST3K for creepypastas. Their episode on this story was glorious, as they actually brought in an English teacher to critique the story with them.
And no offense, but when I see a video description that highlights that the story is made-up as if that’s a negative aspect, I roll my eyes.
Good afternoon universe: this, by internet standards, is an old video which I haven’t even seen. So why comment, you may be asking
Very simple; because it’s at 99 and decided that it was my duty to push it to an even 100 so that is what I shall do; it may be a burden but I will carry it so no one else has to.
Also the opportunity to bring untold honor and prestige upon the name of me by only being the 100th commentator is to great an opportunity to resist.
And so the 100th comment on Squidward’s Suicide- Old Man Reads Creepy Pastas on Phelous.com is:
A autobiographical movie about sheep made by James Nguyen and Tommy Wieseu would be the best movie of all time if it had them speak sheep and fire flame throwers.
There I did it!! I’m famous!!! Woohoo!!! What praise, honors and accolades are bestowed upon me??!?!
That much huh?
Gilbert and Sullivan were right: it never pays to be a slave to duty.
ookay I just recently found out what creepypastas is (thanks, watch mojo.com!) so it tickles me to see you taking this on, Phelous 😛 Oh old man from Beauty and the Beast goodtimes version, you will never get old!
The dead children parts really made me shiver down my spine!