The next level of internet horror features ghosts haunting you on Facebook and Skype! Will the screen share from the annoying characters drive you to log out!?

The next level of internet horror features ghosts haunting you on Facebook and Skype! Will the screen share from the annoying characters drive you to log out!?
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Holy shit I’m only 9 minutes into your video, Phelous and this movie is bringing me so much pain >__<
Do you know what I love?
When people text or IM each other and decide a single question mark is just not enough?????
Websites that look like they haven’t been updated since 2004 about urban legends.
People who shoot themselves by holding the gun awkwardly at arm’s length and then point the barrel at themselves. (Seriously… what?)
I wish this movie was clever. If not good it could at least have been clever.
My commeting skills suck today.
I watched five minutes of this movie before I absolutely had to turn it off. I can’t imagine anyone watching the whole thing.
The showing up skype “ghost” could be explain as a glitch, just being the user interface showing people who is not in the party… sure it would be a pretty awful glitch to the point of being surprised it even exist….
but hey, we are using Internet ghost science here…
Unfriended definitely looks like the kind of movie you either love or hate. I still remember the striking gulf between your first impressions video and the one Doug Walker put up.
Well it’s not really a surprise Doug liked Unfriended, I know from personal experience that he loves unfriending. 😉
What a burn!
Oh, you said it! Also, great review. I loved the callback to the “Insert” joke from the Pulse 3 review (Think it was Pulse 3, anyway). You managed to make this boring snoozefest of a movie entertaining to watch with your commentary, so well done.
Yeah it was Pulse 3, I had to look it up myself actually to see which review I’d done that in, haha.
actually, the old review that kept running through my mind watching this video was when you reviewed Smiley. it’s the 2nd internet based horror movie I’ve seen you talk about where chat roulette is used in the film. these movies are so similar that it’s starting to feel like these scripts came out of a factory based assembly line.
*Insert appreciative slow-clap that quickens in pace here*
That, mi amigo, was one wicked burn. 😀
I hadn’t watched any NC vids in about a year, so when I saw that he’d reviewed Event Horizon, one of my favorite underrated sci-fi horror films, I was colored intrigued.
And ever the man of class, he kicked off the review with a skit wherein he was farting flames because the gates of Hell were in fact his rectum. Because if the gate to Hell can be in space, why CAN’T it be found in Doug’s ass?
Why indeed…
I’m sure he’d have something witty to say about Happy Gilmore audiences and the lowest common denominator, buuuut… *ahem*…
Anyway, I had to laud the idea because the fella solved the dilemma of discomfort he experiences from having an overinflated head occupying anal space, since Hell is an entire dimension and can maaaaaybe, with a little industrial lubricant, manage to fit his head in!
But what genuinely turned me sour with that review was the outright *fabrications* he came up with and his bizarre insistence that the solemn whispers for divine grace were cliche and the organic, genuine screams and yelps of surprise sounded silly. Lastly, the comment of ‘Event Horizon? You mean that cult film whose cult has no idea why they like it?’ kinda tore it for me.
Which is one of the reasons I follow you, Phelous. You’re consistently entertaining, intellectually honest about the movies and genuinely try to find positives in them and best still, offer constructive criticism and suggest what could have made it better.
Phelous, you’ve never let me down 😀
I’m glad that you’re around
So keep grabbing those 1-UPs (Even though the dying every episode gag isn’t employed anymore…)
And keep blasting shitty movies a new one!
What?! I’m not writing love-letters to Phelous! IT’S NOT WEIRD! RUHWUHRURURH!!!!
Seriously though, ya’ kick ass, dude 😀
‘Event Horizon? You mean that cult film whose cult has no idea why they like it?’
Wait did Doug really say people don’t know why they like(love for me) Event Horizon?………………………………Now I Doug is an idiot.
I know, right? I love that movie too!
And as a Warhammer 40k fan, that movie serves as the ultimate precursor 😉
Cathedral-esque, gigantic ships… HELL itself as the means of FTL travel (Since the horrors inflicted on the Event Horizon were along the lines of travel in the Warp without a Gellar Field)… driving some to madness and suicide and others to empowered servitude… preying on emotional weaknesses…
It’s a gem and Doug was a nut to even try to blast it. Anyone who’s actually seen the movie, even once, can tell he was so full of it his eyes were turning brown.
These days, Doug’s become more and more of an edgelord and less funny… I don’t mean to sound artsy fartsy or anything, but the show ceased to be funny when he stopped doing it for fun and started doing it for a living.
And it’s not like monetary income and comedy are mutually exclusive, as our gracious host, Phelous, proves, along with numerous other examples from across the internet ranging from Jontron to Markiplier to GameGrumps.
So anyway… yeah, Love Event Horizon, don’t love much of Channel Awesome anymore.
Linkara’s still fun at least.
Uh, WinterDeathPeach, you do know that that was a J-O-K-E, right?
The Nostalgia Critic is a CHARACTER. His show is SATIRICAL review, like Phelous and are not meant to be taken seriously. Doug has shown time and again he respects other people’s views on the films he likes and dislikes. If you did your research you would know this. No offense, just saying….
“Wait did Doug really say people don’t know why they like(love for me) Event Horizon?………………………………Now I Doug is an idiot.”
Uh, dude, you do know that the Nostalgia Critic is a SATIRICAL CHARACTER, right? It is NOT meant to be taken seriously, and that Doug has emphasized on numerous occasions that he respects other people’s views on films he likes and dislikes. Do your research.
He at least like the imagery?
When Doug pisses me off is when he talk about Pokemon. Holy crap the hypocrisy just oozes out of him when he bashes Pokemon.
I am not offended at all when he talks about Pokemon and I am a fan too. It is his views.
About that; are you and Linkara still on good terms?
While I agree with everything you said, I liked this movie. Sure everyone in it was an awful shitter, but that was kind of the point. It was far more enjoyable than it had any right to be, and at least it put a new spin on the internet horror genre. That’s more than I can say for, well, pretty much every other one of these. I wouldn’t remember anything about Chain Letter if I hadn’t watched the review here.
internet based horror movies if not found footage based horror films in general are normally just awful. part of the blame for so much of this shlock is the audience itself since they keep paying money to see these cinematic room temperature cauldron of yak piss, and because it makes money, the studios keeps making more. at this point, I’m just wishing that these internet based horror movies gets destroyed by Sinistar and for both the screenwriters to get eaten by the Ski Free Yeti. it isn’t scary, it isn’t new, and it isn’t making the horror movie genre withstand the test of time. it’s actually kind of sad & pathetic that we went from movies like Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, & Psycho… the Paranormal Activity franchise, The Gallows, Devil’s Due, The Devil Inside, Ouija, and this.
and honestly, most of the worst original horror films & the worst horror movie remakes I’ve ever seen, are from the past few years. for example:
A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)
The Thing (2011)
Texas Chainsaw 3D
Hellraiser Revelations
so, what does 2016 have to offer for the horror genre? The Forest, The Boy, Lights Out, Pride And Prejudice And Zombies, Viral, The Witch, Rings, The Conjuring 2: The Enfield, The Purge 3, A Cure For Wellness, &…get ready for this……Ouija 2.
(face palm)
I knew it! Laura was Welshy the whole time! And then he murdered you all.
I guess I registered to comment for no reason as I was gonna say burn on that doug joke.
Anyway great video phelous. When I get some extra cash higher pateron is definitely coming your way babe <3.
Haha, thanks a lot!
That as it may be, “Unphriended” is just too perfect of a pun to pass up, IYAM. (I actually joined wordpress just to post this comment. Make whatever conclusions you wish to.)
Phelous, your vision of a future infested with similar films replacing found footage is scary than any zombie apocalypse. I never thought i’d be begging for more found footage movies but anything would be better than this. Just watching clips in your video was painful.
Best ending sketch in a while.
Phelous, I really appreciate it whenever you throw up horror reviews, especially they’re not as common these days. Nothing else quite hits the spot like a good horror review (except for maybe some of your Mortal Kombat stuff :p ). My bro and I really look forward to watching these every single time.
it’s really good to finally see you review horror movies again Phelous. the only thing that would make it better is if you were able to do more Mortal Kombat reviews since we still got Defenders Of The Realm, Federation Of Martial Arts, & Legacy left to cover. in either case, you always manage to make a rotten day better with every review.
on a side note, great job on mocking Doug. your videos have gotten better, Welshy & Panda are more active, and both you and Lupa get to shine a lot more without Doug & his goons hovering over your shoulder. I can safely say that splitting from ChannelAwesome is the best decision you guys have ever made.
never stop being awesome Phelous. ^-^
I’ve got the fever, and the only prescription is more Phelous reviews.
I’ve got the fever, and the prescription is more Phelous reviews.
Wow I do not think I could sit through this movie not just because it’s terrible and the characters are annoying, but the fact that her desktop is so disorganized with those photos thrown everywhere is driving my crazy. I wanted to fix it so bad ><
Also loved the ending sketch you did with the guys, it was pretty cute and gave me a good chuckle.
I really did try to watch this movie, but it gave me a really bad headach, it’s the same kinda headach you get when your looking at the computer screen for such a long time
And hell I am a video editor so i’m used to looking at the screen for a very long time, but even with that this movie made my head hurt really badly, maybe it was the mix of looking at a giant computer screen mixed in with some of the worst writen characters ever made and all of these moments that make no sences AT ALL.
I think everyone here knew you’d eventually get around to this the minute they first laid eyes on the trailer.
I love how this movie is certified fresh on RT, yet has less than a 40% approval rating.
In a way, it’s not as awful as Jem & the Holograms or the movie adaptation of Bewitched. I mean, you can sleep through this movie & forget you saw it a week latter.
That Whistling Song (I Heard at a Yard Sale). How I’ve missed you <3
Another awesome review, but I miss the days before you were a Mac & Me ghost, back when this would have had a title card from Andrew and been called “UnPhrended”, if only the special effects from To Boldly Flee had consumed the last of this show’s $5000 budget 🙁
Another wonderful review! I definitely like the idea behind this movie, but you’re completely right: Just another “idiots get killed off one at a time because of a bad past” kind of plot, with the gimmick being seeing someone’s desktop.
Knew it was coming, but loved the skit at the end with you and the others on the Skype call. Next time put some red tape up around your Skype call.
…yep. Way worse than Dot Com for Murder.
I knew that Ben Drowned reference was coming. You seem to be into creepypastas these days, not that I’m complaining.
So good to see you finally review this movie after you said you saw it some time ago. It is sad when FearDotCom or Pulse movies seem and feel like superior movies in some way. Unfriended seems kind of Time Machine (I found at a Yardsale) into that both movies were both made very cheaply, but when Time Machine use green screens heavily, Unfriended was just stuck framed on a single laptop screen.
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling Asylum could make this a better movie, if not just far dumber.
Firs…oh shoot! I saw this first!! Curse you CAPTCHA and your difficulty!! Hmph.
Back to the video, the film itself looks so very generic: is there a horror movie out there with a nice cast?
The video was great, especially the end; you guys could actually pull off a horror film of the same style. That would be terrifying!!!
Thanks for allowing me back on the site so quickly…whoever is listening
I fixed the post review crossover…
HAHA, nice!
I can’t stop watching this!!! Curse you!!! 😉
Shoot wrong link! Sorry. It’s still really cool
Wow, can I just say how much I enjoy your reviews on shitty horror films? I know these projects may seem horribly redundant to you, but your reviews literally gave me so much entertainment and joy when I was going through a year of community college busy work. Watching your reviews numerous times never got old to me, and I still enjoy them now as well. So thanks a lot, Phelous. I’m so glad you’re still making these reviews!
Just “Unfriended”? I was expecting “Unphriended” or “Unpheloused” or some such. It’s like you don’t care about making horrible puns out 0f movie titles using your nickname anymore.
I know right? It’s almost like I haven’t done that in over 2 years now.
Phelous, the critics have spoken: more horrible puns! :p
maybe Phelous originally thought that his puns were getting Unphopular.
A mashup of “The Social Network” with “The Happening”.
Terrible and boring movie, wasn’t this supposed to be a huge holiday movie that was pushed last year? Again, terrible movie but great review, given what you had to work with source materialwise. Also I ran out of red tape, so I’m going to have to eat your soul via skype, so please answer… huzzah for “i don’t have a line” Sad Panda!
When it comes to scary Skype movies, Key & Peele did it better:
Sometimes, lag is MURDER.
I think that the Google search was only of her old e-mail… but I don’t care enough to go back and look. If it was supposed to be, that’s not how such a search looks when I do one, anyway.
Screw that. Great review of what looks like a very bad movie.
This was an EXCELLENT review of an over-hyped piece of crap. This reminds me of most of your reviews before To All A Good Night. This was a grand welcome return to form. Great to have you back, Phelous. 🙂 As for this film, it was a somewhat interesting concept, terribly wasted. This is Blair Witch 2.0. The cast of Platinum Dunes horror remakes are more likable than these sociopathic scumbags that are passed off as characters in this crap.
I’m rewatching this video and some things I just don’t get I was too annoyed to realise the first time;
Why would someone tell someone to “kill themselves” because they were video taped passed out and shitting themselves? I mean… yeah make fun of it if you’re an asshole but why “lol kill yourself for that.” I just… I guess I’m just not cool enough to understand what the kids are into these days.
Why would an image like that be a megabyte big? I mean, that’s the size some of my art is when I save it as a PNG. And I save those at a large size because it’s art, right? Why would a dumb meme picture be 1mb? Did you skip the part of it having a virus or something attached, Phelous?
It almost feels like this movie tried to do some sort of BS social commentary about how ALL teenagers/young adults are just horrible, horrible people with absolutely no set of morals. Sure things like these happen (people taking embarrassing pictures/videos of each other and uploading them on the Internet) but just because they get more attention, that doesn’t mean it’s the new norm. Do the makers really think that people are going to look at these characters and be like: “Yeah, that’s me alright!” Maybe I’m overthinking this (which is possible) but this movie, and the overall trend of making every character into a miserable shithead in horror movies just frustrates me to no end.
Saw this on the shelf for sale and thought “Oh boy! I can’t wait until Phalous reviews this! ANOTHER horrible horror movie based on stupid internet crap! Those are always pure gold.”
So here I am with a bowl of cereal at 3am ready to tuck in and enjoy.
I almost forgot. On the subject of crappy internet related horror films I have a suggestion of a another bad one for your next horror film review. Said bad film is Devour from 2005 ( This will give you plenty of material for jokes because the star is Jensen Ackles from Supernatural. Any thoughts, man?
I’ve seen Devour a bit ago but it didn’t really strike me as being super interesting to cover. I won’t say never or anything but it’s not something I see me doing really soon or anything.
I see and understand, Phelous. Thank you for the feedback.
I would still love to see you do it, in your own time and choosing of course. Since Jared Padelecki has appeared in two bad films on your show (House of Wax remake and Cry Wolf) I’d say it would be good for Jensen Ackles to get a turn.
And another funny thing about this is that those two films and Devour all came out in the same year, which is ironically when Supernatural began. I guess 2005 both was not their year and was their year at the same time, LOL XD
I did do the My Bloodly Valentine Remake with Jensen a while back so he has gotten a turn. 😉
Such a damn waste of something that could’ve easily been good.
It’s really a shame that this ended up sucking so badly… if the characters had just been LIKEABLE, it would’ve been at least a bearable movie. But as is, it’s just a shame it turned out to be a piece of shit.
A lot of articles are touting this movie as some kind of feat in film making. In actuality this is one of the easiest movies you could have filmed. The actors just stay in one place and go through the script a few times and then they just use the best takes from each run through. So there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for the obvious mistakes made countless times during the film. So that can lead a viewer to believe the filmmakers were just lazy, they thought the audience was too stupid to notice, or both.
Just because this style is easy to do (in comparison to other styles of filming) doesn’t mean that it is bad. It’s actually an interesting idea and could have been executed better in the hands of more competent directors. I don’t understand why you would take something with a hint of originality and then throw it all away to do every stupid horror cliche in the book.
Oh well, I always feel better after Phelous tears apart a movie that I couldn’t stand.
Mostly replying to tell you how much I adore your icon.
Azami Kurotani ftw.