Bootlegs of the highly detailed and articulated Star Wars Black Series figures which have Episode 7 slapped on them to cash in on The Force Awakens.

Bootlegs of the highly detailed and articulated Star Wars Black Series figures which have Episode 7 slapped on them to cash in on The Force Awakens.
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I think the only reason to pick these up is the ability to have these characters wield a double bladed blue lightsaber. it’s a shame that Hasbro never did anything creative with the ultimate fx lightsabers since I would of loved to pick up a double bladed lightsaber in that color. hell, it would be nice for a change if they can offer lightsabers in different colors (such as yellow, orange, purple, and etc) that isn’t based on any of the iconic characters or at least offer some toy vehicles that isn’t the same toy repackaged and repainted a bajillion times. for example, the Tie Defender, Tie Phantom, the Virago aka Star Viper, the V-Wing Airspeeder from Rogue Squadron, the World Devastators, the Eclipse Star Destroyer (which I imagine would be pretty huge and rather expensive), the K-Wing Bomber, or even a playset of the Skyhook. I would even be happy if they offered helmets and toy blasters based on the Dark Trooper Phase III from Dark Forces. which isn’t too much of a stretch since the actual figurine of the Dark Trooper is pretty popular among collectors and looks bad ass as well.
while we’re on the subject of Star Wars, of all the spin-off titles they’re working on, I would rather see at least one of them be based on Shadows Of The Empire. some fans tried to get it off the ground, and even George Lucas himself liked the idea so much that he would of made it into a movie back in the 1980’s. I even wrote an email to author Steve Perry (who wrote the novels of SOTE & unfortunately I wish I’ve kept that email.) and I asked him “if you were offered to make a script for a SOTE movie, would you do it?”. he actually wrote back to me and said “well, if I was asked to do it, then yes”.
They did both the Dark Trooper and Shadows in the 90’s.
true, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do more with them. how many times can you really tolerate seeing Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader products on the shelf before you start to get sick and tired of it? they have plenty of products they could do with Star Wars for both costume accessories and vehicles in which some of them have never been turned into official products before. and yet, they keep selling the same exact items over and over and over again. sometimes it’s just the same exact product that’s been sold countless times just with a slightly different paint job and a brand new box. a lot of potential new products are being wasted just so they can keep selling the same old most popular iconic products. Hasbro is pretty guilty of doing this kind of thing, and they’ve done it to more than just their Star Wars products. the dinosaur figures from Jurassic Park has been sold within the past 10 years are usually the same Jurassic Park III molds repainted and repackaged. I bet you that even the most die hard Star Wars fan can get sick and tired of the seeing the same products sold far too many times.
They also did a build-a-Darktrooper that was dispersed with other figures more recently.
I already knew about it. regardless of the Dark Trooper, I still think Hasbro could do a lot more with their Star Wars products instead of rehashing the same vehicles and lightsabers over and over again. and honestly, when I brought up the Dark Trooper, I wasn’t talking about making more action figures. I was talking about making helmets and toy rifles based on the character. sort of like how some fans would rather buy a toy lightsaber based on Mara Jade but yet we keep getting Mace Windu’s lightsaber. another example of what I’m talking about is when they keep rehashing the same old Tie Fighters as toy vehicles so many times yet there’s plenty of other Tie Fighters that they could of made into toy vehicles that isn’t a small micro machine toy or a piece of a trading game. you have an entire library of vehicles & lightsabers that they could of made into toys or even do something a little creative with the lightsabers especially in the ultimate fx style, but all we keep getting is the same vehicles and the same products based on the most iconic characters of the franchise. so, instead of getting something new and unique like the Tie Defender or the Tie Phantom, we keep getting the standard Tie Fighter & Tie Bomber over and over again. that’s basically what I’m talking about.
Gotta agree with you there Phelous, if Darth Vader returns, then he should be riding the MOTHA FUCKIN T-REX and take on Luke riding another dinosaur to. That would be the most epic thing ever or maybe have Vader riding Beast Wars Megatron…Yeeeessssss.
Granted for bootlegs, they do pull off as decent Star Wars replacements but really nothing more. Although it was fun watching the parts get swapped even though trying to keep them held together.
I’d probably get them just for the lightsabers, the removeable Maul Cape (so I could put them on the newer Cyborg Maul figures), and to have a Stormtrooper w/ a Black Shoulderpad. 😀
sounds like we need a Star Wars / Dino Riders crossover.
I was thinking more of a Star Wars/Spider Riders crossover
or how about Jurassic Park…….in space? if you can get a Predator to breed an Alien with a Velociraptor, then you have a Xenomorph Park. let that sink in for a moment. ^-^
Wasn’t Jurassic Park in Space the old show Dinosaucers? BTW, I do wonder if Dino-Riders would’ve went back to space if the show had lasted long enough or it had got enough popularity to warrant a spin-off or sequel series?
to answer your question Brother_Malachai, I have no idea. Dino-Riders had a good premise, but much like Dominion: Dinosaurs Vs Aliens, it’s probably not strong enough to make it work. if there’s one dinosaur related title that I actually do want to see return because the potential for a revival is pretty strong and could be extremely exciting, it’s Primal Rage.
What’s with the black bar across Maul’s mouth? Just realized that the eyes on T-Rex make him look blind.
maybe it’s Ronan The Accuser in disguise.
Phelan! I have a VERY serious site related question to ask you!………….How many comments do I have to post before I stop being Eli Roth? XD
Few days late, but…. (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ o(*≧□≦)o Happy Birthday! σ(≧ε≦o) *:・゚✧ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ
Tell me Skywalker here doesn’t look a bit like Steve Erwin.
I was thinking Vader had on some a weird hybrid of classic 3D glasses tinted to double as sunshades. & underneath we have….Uncle Fester?
More like Derp Maul.
The comment rank system still isn’t implemented hopefully not before too long that’ll be sorted out. It’ll probably get worked on after the forum for the site comes out.
How much did these cost? I could see myself army building sandtroopers and making a few customs out of astromechs.
Also if you’re having issues with loose joints or limbs popping off easily, an easy fix for that is using nail polish or super glue on the ball joints. You can build layers of nail polish until there’s enough friction for the joints to no longer move loosely or pop off.
I got these from a buddy who sells me some of these things for the show so I don’t really have an accurate number of what they usually go for. Should be pretty cheap though, most of the newer ones aren’t too bad.
And i thought most of the Black series was really cheap looking.
So i dont have to under estimate Hasbro Quality Control. and remember that it could be worst.
Man, Darth Maul and Vader were amazing in Episode VII! XD
Shame these things don’t work very well and fall apart so damn often… it looks like they firstly tried recreating the quality (or at least articulation) of the original figures, only to give up halfway through, and use low quality plastic to make it.