The finale of Conquest certainly wraps everything up in a very “Konquest” way as Shao Kahn sends out his elite death squads he completely had forgotten about until now.

The finale of Conquest certainly wraps everything up in a very “Konquest” way as Shao Kahn sends out his elite death squads he completely had forgotten about until now.
37 Comments Comments RSS
would be great if you could review tre Bloodsport sequels
It just fits so perfectly that you release the finale of this review series on my b-day. Gonna eat cake and enjoy the video, woot!!!
Amazing job on this series, btw, I’ve laughed my ass of countless times 😀
Awesome! I was looking forward to this one, and you certainly didn’t disappoint. Great work on this whole thing, Phelous.
i think the question on evrey one`s mind is…is there going to be a “mortal komedy” reunion????????????
yeah, sad times indeed now that Conquest is in the past… thank you from the bottom of my heart, Phelous, for reviewing the series during all these years! one of my favourite review series on the net(no joke there; being a hardcore MK fan since childhood also plays the part in the amount of enjoyment I got out of your take on the series, I guess:) ).
many people say it should be easy to make MK-related things for big and small screen, and I kinda agree, with the distinct and complex lore and abundance of interesting characters it really should be easy, but for some reason we never got anything especially good (besides the 1st movie, which is also far from perfect, but at least in tune with the source material). sure, MK Legacy is now out there, but 2nd season, basically, sucked, moving away from the tone of the 1st one and adding so much cursing that it feels like having been written by a 10year-old who discovered four letter words yesterday. all these incarnations, on big and small screen, share the common problem of having interesing, and sometimes genuinely great, ideas, but having no clue how to bring them to life… here’s to hoping that one day we’ll get a movie or a series this franchise deserves. and to hoping that Siro will be there to be awesomely awful:))
once again, thanks for putting so much time in analysing something that many people think is only about gore and fatalities. and coming up with hilarious jokes that will stay with me for a looooong freaking time!:))))
also: any plans to review “Defenders Of the Realm”? it’s got a computer nerd Nightwolf and everything! though I’m sure you’re aware of it:)
Phelous, thank you for putting so much time and energy into this silly show to create such an amazing review series. It’s probably my favourite ever, by any internet reviewer. Hoping you’ll cover Defenders of the Realm, but I won’t begrudge you if you don’t want to go through any more Mortal Kombat-related suffering.
I’m so glad there wasn’t a second season, the Everyone’s Dead ending is perfect, best ending to any show ever tbh, and I legitimately love it with all my heart. The only continuation I might accept is some kind of Raiden and Shao Kahn sitcom. I mean, they must have a lot of issues to work through with each other, they were talking in that portal world for what, a day?
It’s been a long, strange journey, Phelous.
A GREAT show.
Seriously. Excellent work here.
The only way this show could have ended better is if they revealed that Siro was one of the elder gods.
well done Phelous. 3 years, and it’s sad to see it all end…..until we get to watch it all again anytime we want. then it’s a double flawless either way. I’m kind of wondering if you plan to review Defenders Of The Realm, Federation Of Martial Arts, Rebirth, and/or Legacy. with DOTR, there’s just so many funny moments and a few good episodes.
Episode 2 is probably the worse episode since it got Scorpion’s story completely wrong. Episode 3 is by far the funniest episode to talk about with Jax being so pathetically weak, the weird naked moment in the animation, & the scene where he fails to throw a boulder at a metal door, badly. I even mentioned this scene to Film Brain when I was at Magfest and we both were cracking up about it. too bad I couldn’t tell it to you, but I’m sure if I ever get a 2nd chance to finally meet you in Magfest or if your’re ever in my area, it’s a pretty funny thing to talk about. Episode 5 is by far the best featuring the cyber initiative and involving Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) & Smoke which was the closest it got to the actual game’s plot. there’s just too many glaring problems with DOTR, but I love it in a similar way Conquest even though it’s slightly even worse. by far the funniest line in the entire show that me and my younger brother constantly say all the time is “Say, Did You Know That Jax Is The Fattest Kid In School?”.
in either case, congratulations in a job well done Phelous. everyone give this man an applause. so yes, let’s all drink to the nectar of you and eat our Phelous sandwiches. ^-^
With all the dropped plot points, I wonder if there was only one writer or if they had different ones who just got handed a show bible and told to write an episode without seeing any of the other episodes.
I think i am gonna try to get this show on DVD now that it’s out there , I enjoyed these reviews greatly as with all your other ones.
–Robert Green(aka Stripestiger)
Facebook:Robert Green
Sig correction. bogmoviestudios on youtube.
Call me cynical, but… season 1 was all just “dude in ninja suit attacks,” “silly costume wearing dude says stuff in a cave”, and “cheap CGI occurs,” does anyone really believe that anything resembling Goro had a shot at appearing in this series? Also, it’s nice to know that on the off chance of getting a second season, the writers planned to continue making no sense whatsoever.
Amazing job on this Phelous, I am really glad you made it through this, lol.
I am really considering buying the Mortal Kombat (K)Conquest DVD now just so I can add it to my “crappy TV series collection”
But now that this is all over do you plan on doing anything else MK related? I don’t blame you if you wanna take a long break from MK content after all this.
Which series do you most want to see Phelous review? (He won’t, but it don’t hurt to ask).
*Ghostbusters & TMNT.
*Hercules & Xena.
*Goosebumps, Are You Afraid of the Dark, & Tales from the Crypt(keeper?).
*Clutch Cargo & Captain Fathom….& this….
*Super Mario Brothers Super Show & Pokemon.
*Mortal Kombat: Legacy & Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm.
*More Mortal Komedy.
Never really thought about it before, buy Raiden’s voice reminds me of the narrator from DragonStrike.
Great review, Phelan, I’m cracking up & near crying. XD
Jeffrey Meek did end up as my favourite Raiden out of the 3 I’ve seen, even better than Lambert. It was a shame that a lot of the rest of the characters in the show didn’t end up being as entertaining. Watching these episodes also reminded me of another late night show I watched called Spy Game starring Johnny Cage. Anyway, farewell to the discussion punch, discussion blade and to all the rest.
I will miss new episodes of this, so sad
Ah, very good, very good. Konquest ends as ineptly as it… everything else’d.
I’m not even sure how appropriate this is but someone will probably want it for some reason: Komplete Kollection of Siro The Greatest MK Whatever
Haha! Amazing. Siro, is there anything he can’t do?
get Ed Boon to put him in Mortal Kombat X? funny how they can use the Bee Women plot to create D’Vorah, create a prototype Bo Rai Cho, and create a character named Takeda who shares the same exact name as Takeda (Scorpion) and in MKX has a connection with him in the story mode (which isn’t the first time we have had multiple characters in all mediums have similar names). interestingly enough, the Takeda (Scorpion) from Conquest is also technically the founder of the Shirai Ryu except the creators altered parts of the history a little bit. so, once again, we have yet another adaptation that has managed to influence the actual games it’s based on while also retconning certain aspects of the characters & stories in the process.
Somehow it’s been almost a year already, from when I first meant to say this… but here goes:
Many thanks for linking that! It made my nightmorning… in some more or less weird ways. Time really should learn to /not/ move around so fast… It’s not healthy, yo!
Almost a year ago, too, I was also going to say that I will miss this series here a lot. And I still do! It’s definitely my favourite thing here at right after the Resident Hazard (and related, even the let’s plays, but especially the Resident Hazard… wish there was more of that) stuff. And of course, Mac and Me!
I wish there could be more of Kombat and Hazard, but it’s about that time I can re-watch it all again, from the beginning, so that will do for now, I maybe guess. ^^
Keep up the good work!
Y’know, I didn’t think it before, but now I honestly want Siro’s newfound minor internet popularity to skyrocket and he actually turns up in the game. They could make it a part of the character that he keeps changing his mind on what personality he’s supposed to have, then this special move is making his title card (voiced by Phelous) appear, then he breaks the fourth wall, grabs it, and throws it at his enemies.
Thanks for the ride Phelous! Mortal Kombat is one of those franchises that I have always been aware of, but never had any personal exposure to outside of other people’s video reviews. I still enjoyed you MKC videos enormously. Your fanboy anger was always fun to watch, but you also remembered to give us non-fans context for said anger, while having some truly hilarious running gags.
Looking at this series as a whole and hearing your improvement ideas, I do think that this had a potential to be truly great fantasy/action show. Maybe even up there with classics like Xena, Buffy and Angel. Maybe someday someone should try to pitch remake of this show to HBO.
Fun fact: This was the first and only episode of this show I ever saw. Yeah. Imagine how fucking confused I was. And of course, until Wikipedia came along I had no resource to explain what the hell the show was even about or what the hell happened with that ending. For a while I thought I just dreamed the whole damn thing.
Hey, Phelous, when a show puts Angelica Bridges in a revealing outfit? Don’t complain about it, be happy! 😀
But, yeah, seriously, she is on the top list of sexy women for me. Pity she only ever appears in Conquest-style series.
ProJared just did an overview of the Mortal Kombat cartoon.
Being fond of watching multiple reviewers do the same show, this just makes me want to see Phelous do it even more. This show is WAY sillier than I remembered.
Great job.
How about reavewing the TMNT live action tv show? Female turtle xD
Holy crap, this series… who greenlighted this?
How to make a good MK show.
1) Put it on HBO or Showtime so you can have some of the gore. (You’d probably still have to tone some of the fatalities down due to the fact that what looks visceral and cool in a game would just look gross and silly in Live Action. You could however still do a lot of the iconic fatalities from the games without stretching it too far, like Liu Kang’s Dragon Bite and Scorpion’s fire breath.)
2) The first season has Liu Kang and Kung Lao going to collect warriors for what will eventually be the events of the first game. People like Johnny Cage, Sonia Blade, and maybe Sub-Zero unless you want to do the whole “Lin-Que made a deal with Shang Tsung” plotline. Meantime you have Shang Tsung doing the same thing. Recruiting people like Scorpion, Kano, and Reptile. Keep Raiden inactive, only acting as an adviser, and Shao Khan in the shadows for the time being.
3) Season 2 is the first game’s story. The Mortal Kombat tournament lasting several days, a few line drops here and there, finally culminating in Liu Kang vs. Shang Tsung. After Shang Tsung loses he’s brought before Shao Khan who finally steps out of the shadows with a “You weak, pathetic fool.”
3) Season 3= MK2. Meet Kitana this season (may have met her beforehand, but eh) definitely meet MILEENA for the first time this season, maybe have Cyrax and Smoke come for Sub-Zero, bring in Noob Saibot. The series ends with Liu Kang defeating Shao Khan and Khan raising Sindel.
4) You can see where I’m going from here. The next season brings in Sindel, we meet Shinnok in the season after and so on.
Really, VG adaptations to TELEVISION doesn’t seem that hard! Why do networks keep screwing it up?
The ending was the best thing about the show. Really, it was about the ONLY thing I remembered, watching the reviews. But it was so utterly unbelievable that Shao Khan actually killed everyone (including people I know even with my own limited MK knowledge weren’t supposed to die yet) and won that I was giggling for hours afterwards. When I watched it the first time, it was quite late and I’d intended going to be immediately thereafter, but after witnessing that, and seeing the bad guys win for once, I had to go watch something else just to calm down!
However, I suspect I wouln’t have enjoyed the rest of the show as much nowadays, now that I pay more attention: the woeful lack of continuity highlighted by these reviews would have driven me up the wall! (It was out on DVD – ro maybe it was even video -= in the UK way back, but I never actually bought it, and that was probably for the best…!)
Coming soon to the Disney Channel : that’s do Rayden! With Conquest finished will we see more delightfully horrible movies? Might Siro even guest star and help review? Will Rayden finally get the pilot? Will Kung Lao’s girlfriend get acting lessons? Will Johnny Cage finally get a blockbuster role, dammit? Tune in next week for…… Mortal Kombat: Kancelation!!!!
Phelous says he’ll do every episode of “Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm” if his next Patreon goal is achived. That’s a good incentive.
I’ll be honest, having followed this series of reviews from the beginning, it has honestly been my favourite bunch of videos from you. I think it’s because of how into the franchise you are, and your passion for the source material shined through. The fact that the series was so hilariously and consistently awful helped too. I’m honestly a little sad to see it end, especially on such a crap finale like this one 😛
Ahh well, I’d love to see you take a look at other Mortal Kombat things at some point. Defenders of the Realm, Legacy, even some of the games… I think it’d be interesting.
This Show had so much potential to be epic…I understand having a lower then low budget but great writing and directing skills could have had the audience ignore that point because the show was so damn good. It was like each episode was it’s on thing and not in canon with the previous episodes. And then you would have a line or character that remembered the canon and thus confusion ensues. Honestly this show probably would have fared better as an Anthology series…..Showing the struggles of Kung Lao…..Sub Zero…….Shang Tsung…..Quan Chi and even more. But instead it fell back on uninteresting main characters dealing with Schemes of the week each episode and not remembering what it was trying to do.
Thanks For the Reviews Phelous I loved them…..I would love for you to Review “Birds Of Prey” From The WB that show was an epic fail.
I actually watched all 22 episodes within the past 4 days, and overall it’s not that bad. as much as people tend to bad mouth MK Annihilation, TJB, & DOTR, at least all of these movies, tv series, and web series are far more entertaining and enjoyable than MK Federation Of Martial Arts. even Conquest has it’s moments that are enjoyable and redeemable. FOMA looked like it was filed in either somebody’s backyard or their basement with low quality editing software and a script that one person described as the Mortal Kombat equivalency of the Star Wars Holiday Special. Annihilation, The Journey Begins, & Defenders Of The Realm, are far better and more entertaining than Federation Of Martial Arts.
on a side note, I truly think that Mortal Kombat should be an anime series. I’d rather see a MK anime than another live action movie (which they’re still currently trying to accomplish). if it was on Toonami or HBO (similar to Todd McFarlane’s Spawn which also needs to make a comeback), I think it would do extremely well. if it worked for Street Fighter II The Movie, then I’m sure it can work for Mortal Kombat. especially if they can adapt the first 3 games stories.
in either case, here’s hoping that we’ll get to see more Mortal Kombat reviews Phelous. and in case everyone else forgot, Happy 20th Anniversary to Mortal Kombat The Movie, Mortal Kombat 3 & Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, and the 1995 event that was known as The Year Of Mortal Kombat.
filmed. man, I wish I can edit my own comments to avoid unnecessary typos. oh well.
When it got near the end I honestly thought they were going to cut away to Rayden taking his hand away from Kung Lao and saying something like “Now you understand what will happen should you lose the tournament. So make sure you win!”
And then Kung Lao nods, his determination steeled as he steps into the ring…at the beginning of episode 1, implying none of it had happened and it was all a vision bestowed on him by Rayden as a worst case scenario.
I don’t know if that would have been worse than everyone dying and the series just ending like this…