• eecartman
    Comments: 14

    no VAN Dam its already better than the first one. lupa awsome review lookin foward to the next.


  • dachauncinator
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    Am I the ONLY one who noticed the editors name was Allan POON?

    Must be my teenage mind again…..

  • mikohazuki
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    This is definitely one of Cynthia Rothrock’s best movies. Anyway, my body is ready for THE AMAZING BULK… not exactly sure about my mind, though.

  • SsnakeBite
    Comments: 76

    Holy Shit, Max Thayer (the guy playing Mac), the greatest actor you’ve never heard of, is in this! That immediately makes this movie awesome! (Seriously, he’s been in hundreds of low-budget action movies and is usually the best thing about them, and he’s an amazingly nice guy to boot)

    • MasterNyx
      Old Man
      Comments: 4

      He was in Planet of the Dinosaurs which there is a Rifftrax of currently available for free viewing on Hulu. The Jeff Foxworthy in a half zipped skin tight jumpsuit look was not flattering to him 😀

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    I know Cynthis is a woman, but she totally looks like Film Brain with eyeliner.


    I’m in the mood to watch something like this today. I’ll bet Scarecrow Video has it.


    I hope the aligatorrs didn’t really get blown up.


    Hahah, I’m definitely ready for next week.